
Hey you opened the door to random thread of redundant Harry Potter knowledge, now lay in said bed of grown men and women who still can’t forget a decades old YA series.

I don’t remember ever standing for an anthem at any stadium event, now that I think about it. I’m always waiting in the beer line, along with *everyone else.*

I’m pretty sure all 3 of the Migos have been rocking this style for a little while now.

Counter point: yes, do bring it back. Just think on it, ok?

“Our original vision was the alt-right would become like a policy group for the Trump administration,” he said on-camera. Jorjani, the roommate of noted white person who was punched in the face, Richard Spencer, said they had people inside the White House and “the interface was Steve Bannon.”

We should have known Phaedra ain’t shit when she didn’t know her due date

Why wouldn’t she go to the police, then? I cannot imagine why not. Why go to your employer and not the police?

I agree. At best having voted for Trump shows a profound lack of judgement and critical thinking. When I hear someone voted for Trump, they might as well tell me they enjoy eating turds, or that they regularly sleep with corpses. I do not want them working for me, or with me, nor would I trust them with any decision

I too blame molly for my excessive thirst.

I 100% will and do discriminate against all trump supporters whenever I can. I won’t hire one, I won’t let any come to my Sunday NFL parties, I’ve cut off a half dozen friends and several family members. Fuck trump supporters. You made your fucking racist bed, enjoy it, motherfucker.

No more years!

Yes yes yes yes yes. Negroes need to boycott this foolishness. Go read a book instead.

You don’t get it do you?

what about the coworker who thinks garlic is spicy

I hope the rug is pulled from under you some day

Agreed. I do not want any of them to die young; I want all of them to live long, long, healthy lives. I want these treasonous scum to live with crystal-clear mental faculties so they can experience every drop of the sneering hatred the world has for them.

Chilligan’s Island will always be the best episode of Martin! Never fails to make me laugh so hard I cry. “That ain’t no damn puppy!”

As was Tatianna. Roxxy should have been sent home instead. I literally screamed “That is some bullshit!” when that elimination happened.

For many people being deported IS a death sentence.

Like, up until the spitting and the punch, I wasn’t even mad this was so pitiful. Dude was an internet comment section brought to life.