
Covfefe® brand ginger ale.

Bieber put Chance on a track back in 2013.

Girl, Chance has worked with Bieber and Wayne before...wyd? Chance isn’t above working with them.

RIP young man. One day cops like this will be held to account for murder. It’s so rare (unless you’re a black cop I guess).

it stuns me sometimes that people actually get RICHER when family members die. like, didn’t you just lose a worker? what magic is this?

We’re woke, its just that we just woke up. Its 7a.m., we were up late, and we’re still a little groggy. Let us get some coffee and figure this day out.

Dont trust unattended brownies, people. They’re bad news.

A thousand bucks says they were robbed while trying to buy blow.

I feel weird for liking Hillary Clinton. I knows it's an unpopular position. She reminds me of my mom in a good way.

Not that it matters - but Luke gets my gaydar ringing.

Chad for The Bachelor! Chad for The Bachelor!

The dead mother question was so, so, so gross. Low even for this show. I actually cringed.

He’s a dick, but I did agree with some of what he said (the other guys obsessing over him, being their for fame, falling in love in two seconds being pathetic etc.). And I didn’t realize on the show but Evan definitely pushed him first! Not that he didn’t overreact, but still everyone acted like he was totally

You guys are adorable!!!!

This needs more stars!!!

I love your dress!!!!