
It’s an astonishingly simple and effective way to troll people IRL.

This! I’m not excusing his behavior but I can understand why he finally snapped. And then the other men were automatically, “how dare you hit a woman that is never, ever allowed” when they never stepped in and suggested she should stop her behavior.

That episode pissed me off. No one should ever lay a hand on another and neither of them were in the right but damn, she egged him on for what seemed like forever.

It seems that someone neglected to put in the meat.

There’s nothing better than forcing dogs to wear boots

this is the best post that has ever appeared on jezebel

Kristen Wiig is funny but she doesn’t get enough credit for her dramatic range.

I am in the camp that Best Friend Guy actually didn’t do anything wrong. He was avoiding her to keep his attraction to her from becoming a problem that would somehow hurt his friendship, or her marriage. Strictly speaking, he DIDN’T tell her that he was attracted to her. She came to his apartment, started watching the

Part of the reason this movie struck a chord with me is because I saw it for the first time right after Natasha Richardson died. So Liam Neeson’s storyline was a little rough for me.

I’m with you. I truly believe that Thompson’s scene in the bedroom is among the great pieces of acting ever put on film. Total heartbreak, immediate and devastating, survived.

I always cry when Emma Thompson implodes in her bedroom (with Joni Mitchell in the background), when Olivia Olson sings All I Want For Christman, and yes, during God Only Knows. Always. Every time. Sometimes I also cry during the intro, depending on my mood. Yes, I’ve seen this film probably every year since it came

I fucking love this movie and I don't care who knows it. Liam Neeson and his adorable step son are EVERYTHING.

I always.fucking.cry. when God Only Knows pipes up at the end...

Jezebel Commenter On Jenny McCarthy Having A Radio Show: ‘Ick!’

I definitely should've said SOME of the attendees, there have definitely been some wonderful people showing an outpouring of support, and those people have hearts. Glad you enjoyed yourself! :)

No way you are getting a refund folks. I saw a guy get murdered execution style in Belize and Carnival gave me 2 free drink coupons.

I think losing weight is rarely just about “getting healthy”- even if your health is indeed compromised by your weight, there’s a vanity aspect to losing it, too.

This is very much how I felt. I like being really thin. I’m up a little bit now and I fucking hate it. I feel good at a low weight. And, yeah, you feel like a liar!

I have it a little bit too. I’m not obese, and I probably am trying to live up to an unreasonable beauty standard. But on the other hand, so what? If that’s what I want for myself, why shouldn’t I go after it?

Right? Good to hear someone speak on it with a platform such as she has.