
I grew up in South Carolina so I think I’ve got a good handle on what does and does not constitute being a slave. Something about making at least $8 million over 12 years, not including endorsement deals, doesn’t really strike me as slavery. Suck it up, dude, and while you’re at it pick up my fucking club.

He’d already be dead.

That’s a better wig that they used for the movies.

Super shit news: this week I found out I have cancer.

Any opportunity to show off my rescue girl!

Because you should also get to see his handsome face....

As a person who actually had a disabling accident while driving to work a few years ago, I still think the exact same thing when I drive to work.

Sometimes, when I’m driving to work, I think that I’d rather have a disabling accident than live through another week of bullshit. Not the same thing? Okay, I have nothing to offer here. Bless it, as we say here.

the prices are exactly the same. the brands mandate it!

I like Ulta much better than Sephora.

I would also recommend Tarte over Nars for blush. But also, Hourglass Ambient powders have changed my life. I feel 100% more beautiful when I use them. (Ok, this might not be totally true but I was shocked at how much I felt like that changed my makeup game)

Many years ago I was pulled over for a signal light being out. I handed over my license, proof of insurance and registration and sat quietly like I was taught to do in these situations. He came back and told me to get out of the car. I asked why and he said “because I fucking said so now get out.” I was scared to

God, there’s just something ... wonderful about Janet’s voice. Her music for me is generally ‘blast while raining’ music. Glad to have her back.

exactly, I’m 128 pounds and I wear a size 6-8 cause my waist is only about 3 inches smaller than my hips and I carry all my weight in my stomach. Makes pants shopping a delight.

I know some people have complained about how much love Inside Amy Schumer gets from Jezebel but, as someone who doesn’t have cable, please accept my wholehearted gratitude for posting her clips! The woman is a genius and I love that Jezebel is giving her the shout outs she deserves.

The episode where Bethenny pretended to fall asleep while Heather was explaining that Kristen Taekman was disappointed that she wanted invited to a party was actually the RUDEST, most childish, unbecoming, piggish thing I have ever seen an adult human do on television. RAGED.

Since being “New Black” (aka casual negros, aka uncle toms lite) became en vogue with a certain type of black person. Since the utter bullshit that is respectability politics, coupled with the pathological desire for white acceptance, became a viable path to ending racism in the minds of self hating black people.