

I don't get the worship of her on this site. I mean, I respect her. I just don't get the crazy adoration.

I find sheer dresses unbelievably tacky. I don’t care if you have a hot body and/or are wearing a million diamonds on top of it, it just doesn’t look good to me.

Between her collaborations with Terry Richardson, her support for Floyd Mayweather, and the misogynistic lyrics that appear in her music, my feeling is that Beyonce can officially eat shit.

kinda tired of this sheer dress with shiny bits covering the nips look. Feels thirsty to me.

I would give ANYTHING for you and your friends to finally get that fucker’s name.

I was also a teen!

I don't know if you were talking to me, but I don't feel snarky about this woman, and tried very hard to avoid that tone. I think what's interesting about this is that it can only really be useful to the part of the population that has a very large problem understanding that Muslim people are their peers—it's nothing

Due to the overwhelmingly positive response to this post, here's a picture of us:

One time I asked this girl I knew to the senior prom.

Because we're White People, and as a group, we're unspeakably lame. We suck the life and joy and spontaneity out of everything to feed our crippling need to pretend we're cool. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get to a Salsa Dancing class.

This has nothing to do with the post, but I just needed to confess: when I was younger I would rob my bar hookups if they were a lousy lay. Like, take a bottle of booze or a DVD or a scarf. Something to make it worth my time.