All the Things in the land

This!!!! EVERY TIME I’ve tried to shop in stores or online lately, I am inundated by these fucking off the shoulder garments, and I’m shopping at PLUS SIZE RETAILERS. Like, whoooo theeee fuck in a 22/24 or 3X is going to look cute in some shit that requires an invisible bra? My titties are 42DDD. I need straps, y’all.

The only person that’s full of shit is you, James Cameron, thinking people want to see not one, not two but THREE FUCKING AVATAR SEQUELS. I saw Avatar. It was.....fine.

Absolutely. Pregnancy was awful for me and I was carrying a baby it had taken me years to conceive and who I very much wanted. I’ve actually been pregnant 5 times. My first child was stillborn at full term, I had 2 miscarriages, a live birth with my son, and then I terminated my final pregnancy. Because my road to

I can tell you my experience as a birthmother is a HUGE part of why I am as pro-choice as I am. That used to really blow the minds of the pro-lifers. Apparently I was supposed to want to force everyone to do what I did. I wouldn’t wish this experience on someone I hate. The last thing I think is that women should be

Abortion and adoption are not in the same wheelhouse. I fucking HATE that argument. Even if there was a waiting home for every single child born to someone who didn’t want to or couldn’t care for them, forcing women to give birth is atrocious and a violation of their liberty.

It also makes me want to scream “TEACH MEN TO NOT BE SUCH FUCKWADS” I shouldn’t have to call the power of the sisterhood to get credit for my work. It makes me angry.

I did that once in a meeting and had a man actually say to me in front of everyone else, “you know, sometimes it’s better to let the other person think they’re right.”

Ya there is a minimum threshold of women required to use this technique. It won’t work if you’re the only one in the room.


Is it common to give a flying fuck what the news anchors are wearing? Are you there for the news or the people reporting on them?

It’s difficult to convey how much Jacob Wetterling impacted my childhood. I grew up in northern MN, and was 10 when he disappeared. I brought pennies to school to donate to his search fund. My parents talked to me about how if anyone says “get into the car or I will shoot you” you should be shot rather than get into

Well fitting, well maintained dark jeans are considered business casual wear in a good sized percentage of white collar offices these days.

I don’t want to put words in CJ’s mouth but I wonder if her issue with Shortal is more about her generally androgynous look and she just chose to zero in on the jeans for the purpose of the article. If she’s pearl-clutching over a pair of jeans then I can only imagine what she really thinks about certain “lifestyle

I dunno... personally if my son had been killed or my house burned down, I suspect I’d have far bigger things to fret over than what the reporters were wearing.

rumors of news anchors wearing ratty jeans behind the desk have been around for decades.

apparently she was supposed to wear this (but with the veil over her face)

How is her clothing distracting? Samantha Bee dresses like that every week. Seriously, that you’re calling her clothes distracting is 100% misogyny. You're better than that.

Dear God, her wrists are showing. *reaches for smelling salts*

Guys come on! It’s true.

CJ has always been a nasty bitch and her “column” is usually just mean garbage. She’s tried to take down Jana before too (who is one of Minneapolis’ best reporters).