
“Why can’t you people protest in places where I can easily ignore it?”

Francis Scott Key was a slave owner himself, and obviously didn’t have blacks in mind when he wrote “land of the free”. The 3rd verse is quite problematic. I wouldn’t stand either, and I can’t quite grasp outrage at those who choose not to.

I have a friend from Buffalo, and they all talk like this. “Oh, no, you don’t know what you’re missing, we have x and y and z and you know, the Pegulas are really doing a lot of great things for the city blah blah blah”.

counterpoint: unless you are at a high end restaurant, fried calamari is overrated and tasteless

Being the only person on our family trip to Ireland who could drive a stick was sort of a pain in the ass, because 1) i couldn’t partake in much day drinking until we got to our town of choice 2) all the men felt inadequate for 10 days

Power is the worst kind of stupid, it has a bunch of people thinking it’s “real” and something they “relate to” because they used to sell bags to their friends. It’s like the Sopranos, where every Italian guy thought they were hot shit, except Sopranos was pretty decent. There’s nobody in Power that is likeable,

case of mistaken identity

Not really, that comment can not be taken in a vacuum and needs context. Why reference other high profile police shootings at all (even if not directly by name)? He’s a lawyer who chooses his words carefully. He knew exactly what he was saying.

A lot of things have to happen for the sixers to play .500 basketball, nevermind be some sort of contender. And while we’re at it, isn’t trading #3 + another lottery pick for #1 the opposite of “the process”?

This feels like when Junior Seau “accidentally” drove off a cliff before he shot himself a year and a half later.

39 year old Bartolo Colon got busted for PED’s in 2012. Pictures don’t mean anything, especially when he would most likely be taking something to help with recovery instead of building mass. I don’t think its likely that Brady is taking something illegal, but would not be shocked.

Brady is complicit in all of this. He’s the sports version of Tom Cruise.

“Workout outfit” guy is a weird phenomenon, but disagree about the shoes. I don’t know what Nike Metcon’s are outside of a quick google search, but being in the right shoes is massively important. Everyone works out in their running shoes, not realizing that is not helping

I had a guy on my floor at college who thought those shirts were just hilarious. The ‘Bukake Matsui’ one still gives me creep chills at night.

They’ve played the media game poorly here, but Kirk Cousins is the prototypical player to keep franchising and not commit to. Do you want to be saddled with a ho-hum qb to mediocrity?

they got exactly what they wanted. that show is worse than gossip queens.

lmao why dont you stop being a penis

Durant is not a friendly little piece of shit but whatever

He’s not “banking” on that. I don’t think it’s a possibility, but worst case scenario he ends up with back to back #3 overall picks and a good chance at 2 of the best players in next year’s draft. Free agency hasn’t even started. We did the same thing last year, then they grabbed Horford and made the ECF. What if

The cancellation fee really is nonsense. If i need a ride somewhere, and my driver “2 minutes away” still isnt here 10 minutes later, how long am i supposed to wait? I have no options except to sit around and hope he finds out how to get to where i requested?