
Depends on the airline, but most big ones still allow free under 2 in your lap (United and American both do), while others do reduced price fares under two.

Except the airlines allow children under 2 to fly without a ticket as a lap baby. IF Mom was holding the baby, it would be okay if Baby’s under 2.

For the millionth time, anti-choice people: If you don’t agree with abortion, don’t have one. Period. And stop condescending to women, telling us that none of us would have abortions if we just had enough support and money to raise a child. If I got pregnant right now, I would abort. If I got pregnant after winning

You mean the one of her in the red dress where her hand are sort of clasped? Her face in that picture also screams ASD.

Two of mine are on the spectrum, and so are most of their mates. I wondered the same thing. The “Ow, ow, ow” when she was being hugged, in particular, is what reminded me of them all the most. Skin sensitivity is a bit of a thing, with asd at least.

I agree. My daughter is high functioning and has the same body posture and expressions as Caroline Cruz. The way she is holding her hands and body in the 5th photo down is very familiar.

I have wondered to myself if she’s also a little on the spectrum but who knows really. It’s not like most children respond well to being paraded around like a trained poodle among a sea of scary adults and loud noises.

that she wasn’t able to prove irreparable harm just means that money damages are sufficient to compensate her for any wrong doing that is eventually proven at trial.

What is it about Clinton that you find disingenuous? Not that I really think personality should trump qualifications or positions on the issues.

  • For 30 years (in the public eye) she has been fighting for equality for women, world-wide. Children, too.

I’m not who you asked but I can give you my thoughts.

All the stars. I have a hard time slogging through the anti Hillary Feelings! posts to actually respond patiently. I have never been a big HRC fan...but it is absolutely inescapable to me that she is by a million miles the most qualified person in either party, soley on the base of her education and accomplishments. I

No, I’m saying that most people who want to be president want to effect change AND gain power. If you think that Hillary Clinton does not want to effect change, you must have been ignoring her entire career. She was a tireless advocate for children in Arkansas (she co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and

Bless your heart. What did she do that makes her seem power-hungry for power’s sake, other than being a woman and running for President? Why do you (presumably) not feel this way about Bernie?

“Where do rainbows come from? I guess we’ll never know.

I think it’s important to keep in mind that we are living in a very different political landscape than existed even twenty years ago, and Hillary Clinton has been in the political landscape for nearly forty. In that time, she has been unwavering in her commitment to poverty relief, children’s welfare, and women’s

Yeah, these support my point since none of them discuss Sierra Blanca or his Minutemen vote. He’s faced so little scrutiny that people aren’t aware of these things.

I imagine those “things she’s said” include pride in her long political record and work for children and women, refusing to renounce her (really quite popular!) time and work as Senator for New York, and likewise her time and work as Secretary of State. And, surely, all of her pronouncements about her qualifications

Bernie has a clear, concise “we” message, even if it’s pie-in-the-sky: The game is rigged and we have to take the country back from the privileged few and make it work for everyone.

It always shocks me how totally ignorant Bernie’s acolytes are about some of the really ugly or inexplicable parts of his record, particularly in light of the bizarre standard of piety and holiness they seem to want to hold all other politicians to.