
Part of the problem is that Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell both are clowns who do not deserve to be taken seriously in general and certainly in their particular evaluations of mainstream cultures, even if they might condescend to approve of asinine mainstream hip-hop.

Wow, your feelings have been really hurt by this, haven't they? Is it because you want to hang onto your right as a white man to do whatever you want? Or because you can't stand women and POC contradicting you? Nothing you've said can be backed up with any research or sociological theory, so I think it is funny

Exactly...many, many of my "non-mixed" (and we know what that means) family members are lighter, have lighter eyes, and have straighter hair than many kids with a non-black parent. So have to roll my eyes when people think that the idea of a multiracial society is new, or that we're just a generation away from

All I can say is keep learning and keep trying! I've heard a lot of other white women say "white men do xyz" and no one screams that they're racist because they're given the benefit of doubt. Meaning, we know you don't mean literally every white man. This woman of color says "white men are notorious for treating black

Yep. That happened to me, on Jdate, of all places. Fucking disgusting, particularly coming from people I HOPED would be more sensitive to discrimination and racism.

I know. I mean, I have two deep brown parents, two deep brown sisters, and I am caramel colored and was born with red hair and blue eyes. I have 3 bone fide biracial kidlets yet a few of my non-mixed cousins look more white than my children. My late grandmother used to be mistaken by South Indian people for Indian so

Sadly, Pseudonym, yes, internet forums are very much the real world. They're the realest humanity allows itself to be.


Yes, it is seriously awful. I just went over to her blog and read the post on this incident. As I suspected from my own experience, this person has posted on her thread. Others have noted as such. When you have a person who is obsessed with coming out on top and "winning" it will change everything. I hate to say this,

I have a really whiny two year-old on my lap and she spotted this and is obsessed! "Guy, Tree, Mama? Guy/Tree? Oh, uh-oh, come back guy!"

Never has this gif felt more appropriate:

I'm guessing she's getting the brunt of the anger he's been holding against a lot of women, for his entire dating life. One woman doesn't generally make a guy who barely knows her that angry - it's the result of being an asshole and getting shut down a lot of times, and finally snapping.

Seriously, this man sounds like this will NOT be the last time she hears from him. I have been stalked on the internet for over ten years by a man who was "insulted" by something that I posted on a message board. Lesson learned: you are not anonymous even if you don't use your own name on message boards.

I'm sorry I can't help you with the whole UK adventures thing but, you seriously just described every man I met while trying online dating. I mean, seriously. Especially the one who used misogynistic language and complained about his ex. Thanks so much because I feel better that I'm not the only one who met awful men.

This just reminds me of the Louis C.K. bit about how the most dangerous thing in the world for women is... guess what. Men.

I notice with those types of guys it's always the woman's fault because "that's what I wanted" and a women didn't hand herself over on a silver platter to be slaughtered. It's just that menofokcupid fedora wearing entitlement. This dude sounded like a five year old having a tantrum.

That much anger for someone you have never even met? Bullet dodged is putting it lightly. I hope he doesn't have her address or anything. Also "be respectful"? People are allowed to change their minds. That guy should not be dating ANYONE.

Idk, it sounds like the desperate one is the guy demanding that a woman dates him for 30 days sight unseen, that's just me though. What a scary fucker!

Actually, in situations where someone harasses you like this, it's actually best to let as many people as possible know exactly what is happening, so that everyone knows exactly where to look if something happens to you.

Yes. Google before commitment. Or meeting.