It really is a good idea, I hope more games follow suit. Having your character ready to go on launch will be great.
It really is a good idea, I hope more games follow suit. Having your character ready to go on launch will be great.
If theyre something I know I should probably know, I’ll try to answer them truthfully. But SO MANY rely on things only a Japanese highschooler would be taught that I dont feel bad about looking them up
They’re also still cheaper, for whatever reason!
It’s annoying that this is now something almost weird sounding. after I ran into all the downsides of a digital future, everyone glamoring for one still looks weird to me.
Someone has to turn it off. In the video, it’s off when he walks on, and then you hear a tone as someone in the background activates the floor. Though, I’m a little skeptical of the claims here. Other systems have been excited to show off people running full speed on them. In this video, everyone they show walks like…
The anime version is oddly trying to have it both ways. It tries to make it clear that Eren’s a monster — especially with Eren calling himself an idiot with too much power and saying he never had a plan and just wanted to smash anything he could get his hands on — then kicks his apocalypse down the road another few…
Max Payne Returns
Followed by Max Payne Forever
Then Max Payne & Robin
Further followed by a ten-year hiatus before
Max Payne Begins
But this is the issue I have with that. If they only had the single SKU, just the one with the drive, it fixes all those problems to an even further degree and they don’t need to worry about stepping up or down production of a specific line because it’s one line.
It’s radioactive spider magic, not Crossfit and whey powder!
“safely stuck behind shadowbox glass”
So what I’m hearing is that you don’t care for Skyrim-style radio stations?
Why? They paid their money to play the game they can play it however they want.
I think the big thing that most soulslikes fail at is how interconnected and web-like the world is in Dark Souls, it’s (for me) the most interesting part- the exploration in a freaky as fuck and pretty damn unique fantasy world. The combat for me was always just something to overcome so I can continue exploring, so…