jennyapples classic

I’m genuinely worried about both possible extremes: that either this woman becomes a fucked-up poster child for identity politics, with a column in the New York Times and a bestselling memoir, or she ends her life with two handfuls of pills and a bottle of bourbon. Both would be fucking dreadful.

She’s saying:

My mom had me and my two sisters close together (18 months and 20 months) apart because she wanted us to be close in age. If we were close in age to each other, we could wear each other’s clothes, go to the same schools at the same time, she wouldn’t have to put baby stuff in storage and being close in age usually

Wait: 18 months between births or pregnancies? Two different things.

I find everything she does delightful because I just fucking adore her. You work that tulle visor, Sia!

Eh. She does look silly, but I think she's been pretty open about her struggle with anxiety and depression. I work in entertainment, and am frequently photographed and filmed. I don't really hate my looks - like I certainly did when I was younger - but a bad, unflattering photo can make me uptight and anxious,

infertility is trying to have a baby for a year without success. What Kim is experiencing (if she is) is called secondary infertility.

i think they are truly in love. i think they are both vain and pretty vapid in a lot of ways, but they are also exceptional business persons and have the same ideals and goals. it's a good fit.

kim isn't a genius, but can we stop acting like she's an idiot? you don't turn a leaked sex tape into a massive business empire by being an idiot- and before anyone complete loses their shit and tells me NO SHE HAS PPL FOR THAT- fucking look me in the eye and find me a huge success story that doesn't have 'people.'

Yes, normal. It's a general "rule" that it can take a healthy couple up to a year of trying before they're told to see someone about looking into infertility. Really, it can take longer than that, but that's just the limit on when it's advised to see a specialist. If the woman is 35 or older, they recommend 6

What jennyapples said!

1. Because twitter is the medium through which all of this started, and the only one where it can be guaranteed Iggy would see his message.

Q-Tip is WELL over the age of 25. He's using an effective medium. And Jezebel put it into a nice little essay form for you, so I don't see what the problem is.

Are you genuinely perplexed that there are multiple ways to effectively express ideas or are you just annoyed that Q-Tip chose a particular way that you're not as comfortable with? I mean, the latter is perfectly legitimate, but let's not pretend there's any reason to be sanctimonious about our personal tastes.

It's not an get off my lawn thing. You just don't get it.

What Q-Tip said: *wise words*

Honestly, to me this isn't even about Iggy. I'm hoping that now a black man has taken a stand against her bullshit, other men in the industry will say something too. Because they didn't listen to Banks, or Solange or Remy or any of the women who've been calling her out for AGES now.

I mean, I hope not. But it is possible. However, he's educating everyone reading his tweets so that's good too, right?

Also? Grimace is awesome. Fuck that guy.