I vehemently disagree with this. If you pay off your debt, you will rebuild your emergency savings while not paying your credit card payment, or the interest.
I vehemently disagree with this. If you pay off your debt, you will rebuild your emergency savings while not paying your credit card payment, or the interest.
That strategy is great when you changed your lifestyle. At this point, the goal is to get the person out of debt and without debt for a while. Once that discipline is built, then you can go the credit card for bills/pay each month.
poor advice...use $2,000 in savings to get rid of the $2,000 in debt and save the interest payment. Then use your previous credit card payment to build up your savings. IF (and a big if) you have issues and need to tap into your savings, and don’t have enough, use your credit card as a back up. Worse case scenario,…
This, this, this - a thousand times this!
I did exactly this!!! My thinking was if I have an emergency, the credit card I just paid off has zero balance (plus the emergency money you still have) so I’m covered. Otherwise you’re paying interest to the bank on the card while your saving just sits there not accumulating any interest of it’s own for you (but the…
Pay it off. You just made $138 by not paying the interest for a year.