
Some of us just have natural bitch-face. My mother has told me, "smile!" repeatedly throughout my entire life but smiling without provocation feels and looks weirder than bitch-face. My bitch-face has caused friction in my life but it is what it is and on the plus side, I can intimidate people without doing or

You're making a whole host of assumptions about who is doing this research and that its MALE. Most behavioral research is done by women. As a female researcher, I think your assumption that we have no agency is bunk. We're all up in that shit studying our bodies. Male author does not mean the entire study is

This is bad study design. You cannot infer correlation from those measures. The writing sample prompt could work but the "fill in the blanks" measure is useless. Following this up with a self report sex survey is also weird without a baseline assessment. If someone wanted to infer any correlation to the writing

Amen! My husband and I will celebrate our 10 year anniversary in November. Marriage is a decision; not this magical hallmark lifetime movie shebang. People who go into marriage thinking that you're supposed to feel the same way you did as when you first met will be dissapointed as the years pass by and you really

Its probably already been mentioned but this has been tried before. Oxytocin does not offer targeted effects when its a supplement. Because of this, side effects of oxytocin include lactation and uterine contraction. This has largely been the biggest obstacle to its use as a supplement. Pitocin (oxytocin

There is a great book called Health At Every Size and the author is an obesity researcher. The first half of the book is nothing but data and conclusively she shows that the government's fixation on obesity is misguided and incorrect. Obesity doesn't kill people; inactivity kills people. Active obese and overweight

OMG Totally!!! All those civil rights assholes who died or experienced violence had it coming. Idiots! They should have just gone home and let the white men handle everything. Drinking from separate fountains, being less than, and having shitty education is nothing to complain or be angry about. Being raped is

This is excellent proof of how rape culture has confused rape as a "pretty girl problem". That in itself is victim blaming. These commenters think that attractive women get raped because they're overwhelming beauty lures men into rapey lusts. Its absurd. Yes, I'm sure some rapes occur because some violent offender

Seconded. I took all AP classes including a Political Philosophy class that required application during Junior year. The Political Philosphy class was actually harder than some college classes I've taken. I honestly don't think we were "seriously special students" but rather, the benchmark for amazing has been

I get that you were not trying to be offensive but sometimes racial issues of identity affect people in deeply emotional ways. Obama's use of mutt was addressed in this blog post a while back. Obviously some people will use the term to define themselves and that is their choice. I know people who refer to themselves


I'm also half Mexican and white and I think its really going to be based on your experience. I have experienced a ridiculous amount of racism and fetishism about being half Mexican. In high school, teachers tried to tell me that all I would do is have tons of babies and why bother with schooling. When I was in AP

You think it is the job of biracial people to constantly educate the ignorant? Sorry but we get asked the same bullshit questions day after day and it gets old. I cannot dedicate my life to educating idiots. Maybe you should try to envision walking in our shoes for one day of your life and you'd start to realize

When people ask me "what are you" and I tell them my mom is Mexican, I've actually been told that I "should just say I'm Italian". One girl said that "being Mexican had a bad connotation".

Not to belabor the point, but I have never in my life heard a biracial person refer to themselves as a "mutt". I personally would never call myself a mutt.

I was told that I would have the most adorable "brown babies" and that "brown babies are soooooooooo cute". My friend said this with no malice but it was pretty offensive in that it seemed to other my non-existent offspring. Why can I not just have a baby? Why is my baby's skin color part of their identity? When

.... and furthermore... (all heated) ... My older brothers represent each of my parents in a more identical way wherein one is pretty much white (blue eyes, light skin) and the other one is very dark and seeing how differently they are treated is pretty infuriating. I was forced to endure Idaho throughout my

I relate to what you wrote 100%. My mother is Mexican and my dad is super white and I came out looking like a perfect mix with very olive skin but light eyes. People assume I'm all kinds of things and I"ve been asked "what are you" all my freaking life! I hate that othering bullshit. I cannot 100% identify as

This EbenHJ fool isn't a troll; just an idiot. The fact that he seems to think that someone lying about their documentation status makes them a defacto daily liar is pretty ridiculous considering on average, people lie hundreds of times per day and yet he's not defaming all humans; just her. He's a bigot plain and

Mata is spanish slang for "Killer". He's her lawyer so I guess he's not killing her but I just found that interesting.