
Excellent point! I think an ultimatum is really not a great starting point. I've known two couples who married under those circumstances and both are miserable. I wonder what they thought would be so amazing about being married anyways. As a married person, there are benefits to both sides that we can appreciate.

Research has shown for years that there is a difference perceptually between marriage and cohabitation. Couples that cohabitate before marriage are more likely to divorce quickly thereafter versus couples who did not cohabitate beforehand. This research has been done across various geographic regions and cultures

It was actually a woman that sequenced the gene. There is a movie coming out at the Seattle International Film Festival about her and her research is fairly compelling. She is a researcher at the University of Washington and doesn't rake in large amounts of money.

There's a great informative book called "Health at Every Size" that discusses everything she's touched on without relying solely on anecdotal b.s. Her comment to her friend reflects a very unhealthy solution as she included bariatric surgery which is severely invasive and has a high mortality rate. Why would anyone

Further support for Idaho is how many retired LAPD move to Idaho. Mark Furman moved there post OJ trial. They love him.

P.s. living in Idaho is why I now live in Seattle. Seattle can keep its title.

Having lived in the most openly racist state in America, I'd like to nominate Idaho. While in high school I was treated to racist jokes from the teachers about every minority they could think of. Also, I was told my own intelligence must be linked to my white side and I should not claim the other. Kids came to