Jennifer Klatka (Maldonado)

Childbirth isnt a conscious decision. It doesn’t originate in the brain, its triggered by hormones. The body can go in to labor in response to physical trauma, even. Other mammals don’t do lamaze breathing and wait for their doctor to tell them to push. 

Well, they didn’t say it was their #1 priority. Only that they can say it is.

“bring a female attendant in” is not a solution! It would undoubtedly lead to very low paid (definitely part-time) female workers who are there as tokens and not actual bulkheads against abuse. Frankly, the entire place should be shut down for not noticing in her day-to-day care and vital signs that she was pregnant.

That “Male staff may only enter a female room with a female staff member” policy is going to last about five minutes, tops. Nursing homes are already massively understaffed, they’re not going to be able to spare an extra staff member for that, there will be a lot of “just this once” and “whatever, I trust you”.

“We can say that our patients and clients health and safety is our #1 priority and that we always cooperate, when asked by any agency, in an open and transparent way,” the statement reads.

The police and prosecutors are always careful in their wording until there are charges and a conviction.

If I were a man on that staff I would insist on having my DNA sampled to prove that it wasn’t me.


A patient in a vegetative state at a nursing facility in Arizona gave birth on December 29, CBS News reports. Phoenix police are currently investigating the incident as a possible sexual abuse case.

“Possible” abuse? How the heck is this not “definitely” abuse?

Just waiting for the “What was she wearing” and “She didn’t say ‘no’, so how could the guy know to stop” crowd. Can’t believe Lyndsay Graham hasn’t jumped to the guy’s defense yet.

*pokes head in, sees heart monitor still working, leaves*

Especially someone in a vegetative state... you think one of her stats that they should be monitoring would be different.

I’m not sure that should be your first question.

Seriously, not a single person in 9 months wondered why her stomach was growing or why she had stopped menstruating? I hope she wasn’t being administered anything that would harm the baby’s development.

It’s long-term care, they don’t care and they don’t check hormones regularly.  They watch vitals, see any dramatic changes, otherwise all they do is feed/wash/turn/diaper.

Comas and Vegetative States are two different things.

Here is hoping that this ass hole gets everything he is due.

How is it possible that nobody in a medical facility noticed that a patient in their care was pregnant?

This is disgusting. Also, it happens a lot more than it should in long term care. My wife worked with a woman who literally caught a man in the act of raping an 80 year old woman with dementia. She was almost fired after reporting as being complicit as the manager was close with the rapist and wanted to cover his own