Jennifer Klatka (Maldonado)

For a moment I thought you were going to say “...don’t have basic grade school KNOWLEDGE of biology,”

The long term effects from covid are many and varied. IF, you survive.

Ah they jumped the gun.  The brain damaged children weren’t supposed to arise until AFTER the vaccine was made available to the public.

Yet, we are racing to reopen schools as politicians are saying kids don’t really get sick from the novel coronavirus. And if they do, it’s not that serious.

In this study, the researchers identified 27 children suffering from symptoms”

It’s not “really” misleading if you read the study.

I believe the study involved finding a number of children with MIS-C to be studied, so the number 27 has no connection to the number of MIS-C cases in the country. It is simply the number of children they managed meet with to study the disease and its symptoms.

Well this is depressing.

The phrase “identified 27 children with MIS-C” is unintentionally misleading I think. I don’t think there’s a national tracker, but from various sources I’d say there’s well over 1k cases in the country, that we know about. The real number, as everything with this virus, is likely much, much higher.

Well this is depressing. 

The thing is, the disease is new, but the countries who kept pleading with Americans to use masks had already been through SARS and knew that masks worked. Health experts in Hong Kong couldn’t understand why Americans didn’t want to wear masks, given the evidence:

You might consider it clickbait, but this isn’t a new opinion that I have in hindsight. I’ve worried about this for months:

He's living in his own virtual reality. You don't need special glasses to see the future, just look at the past, it just keeps repeating.

Yeah, but I have it on good authority that war never changes.

You should be very concerned. Access to the site requires insertion of an anal probe.

Yeah, it’s entirely possible that they DID fuck up this portion of her life with the whole USC thing, but...

Everyone’s parents fuck up their kids lives for awhile. We get over it then get a job. Without our parents influence.

Agreed. I think she’s a spoiled, overprivileged brat, who is probably not that smart to begin with but she’s also not wrong. She was making moves, without college. She probably could have attained a nice level and income from being an influencer and that is now gone. Plus, the generational wealth that her parents have

Geez, I feel old. In my circle of friends sex is usually coupled with pizza being delivered and wearing a pair of old sweatpants.