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    I didn’t say you were being sexist. I said the argument was sexist. Because the legitimacy of men’s names is never challenged, but that argument challenges a woman’s ownership of her own name.

    My mom kept her last name. My brother has my mom’s last name as his middle name, my sister’s middle name is my mom’s first name, and my middle name is my mom’s twin’s first name. It’s never really bothered me at all that we don’t share a last name.

    One of my friends since I was a little kid knows I didn’t change my name but still sends stuff to Mr. and Mrs. Husbandlastname. She’s from a very religious family and I think it’s her way of saying she disapproves? It’s like the one weird thing she does and she’s otherwise awesome so I just ignore it.

    My mom didn’t change her name upon marriage, but when they had kids, we all inherited our surnames from our Dad. My brother’s kids’ names are hyphenated. I also know a couple families where the mom’s middle name is their middle name, and the dad’s middle name is the last name.

    I find this the most sexist argument that women who keep their names get thrown at them. I acquired my last name the exact same way my Dad and brother did. Why is it “his” name or my brother’s name more than it is mine?

    The video moves away before the slap I think. She seems to be fighting someone off to the right in the video.

    Nah, the real resemblance is the pure unadulterated evil.

    My sister lives in Florida (an unfortunately is a state employee so has to deal with a lot of his bullshit) and we literally always call him that. “Did Voldemort cut your budget again? I’m sorry”

    A lot of lawyers are trek fans. The kind of fandom and attention to detail that trek nerds have is actually somewhat similar to certain areas of law. In particular areas of law, particularly ones that require memorizing and understanding the small rules and exceptions, my experience is that there are a LOT of sci fi

    The funny thing is, depending on how you look at it, Axanar may have no IP rights in at least a portion their own work, because they didn’t have permission to create a derivative work.

    I’m also an IP attorney and I just have no clue what they were thinking. Did they consult with one of those pump and dump filing firms?

    I’m also a Marylander, and from what I read, that election was basically the fault of MoCo and PG County not turning out. Which sucks. People also forget how much O’Malley was disliked by the end of his governorship, which sadly hurt Brown.

    I’m voting in a late state so I’m really concentrating on my House/Senate primary - because in my state/district (in a presidential election year, my county didn’t show up to vote in 2014 and we got a Republican governor), the dem nominee will probably win the Senate/House seat, and I quite like one of the guys who is

    I can’t deal with the vitriol. It doesn’t matter who we nominate, that person *has* to win. The damage Trump or Cruz would do to the nation is just astounding. If you’re not terrified of those guys, you’re not paying attention.

    My grandma was a religious woman with a large number of children, but damn if she wasn’t pro choice because when she was a teenager during the Depression she knew women who died or nearly died from DIY abortions. No one could afford to feed another kid in those days, but contraception was hard to get, and illegal in a

    The Gringotts ride does not make you sick. And the walk in is pretty cool.

    Having worked at a theme park, I’ve ridden on just about everything - and can confirm that this ride makes me the most queasy of anything I’ve ever been on. I’ve never barfed on this ride, but I’ve always had to get something to eat afterwards or I just feel terrible. The Simpsons ride makes me a little queasy, as

    I always disliked the myth/alien plotline episodes but the ones this season felt just so excessive and tinfoil hat-y that I couldn’t stand it. I mean really, vaccines?

    So I had a very close friend who both transitioned and became a tea partier at about the same time. (No, really, also got super into guns and basically became the most stereotypical man ever).