
Never said I liked him. Just that I thought that his presidency was rock bottom. Apparently we weren’t even close.

The only problem with that idea is that these cops would ever have a problem pulling a trigger at black people in the first place.

In other countries, the ramming of cars into crowds is clearly treated as terrorism. But not here, if it’s cops and/or white nationalists.

Individually, they are your neighbors. In their uniforms, they're the lynch mob. 

“They want peace and would prefer it be done by de-escalation and talking, not by violence.”

The only mention of Biden in this article is by you. Nice straw article you’ve fabricated. This is the same 2016 playbook that BernieBurners ran against Clinton, speaking of playbooks.

Yea shithead may as well have been calling for fucking scalps.  Caught the tail end of it and he sounded like he was gonna line up everyone on the fucking streets and personally curbstomp them.

Yeah, she’s got to be a troll: Who the hell is this “psychotic fanbase” that allegedly exists for Joe Biden, of all people?

How do you know someone is a Bernie supporter?

You don’t have to worry about this.  You’re already a racist.  

Have this thought. You probably ARE racist. Why? Hit dogs holler. If you come to The Root and feel any way other than empathy and sympathy, then yes. Maybe check yourself and your privilege and NOT come to a site for and by black folks. Clearly, you are not there to learn like the majority of the none POC that come to

And frankly speaking I do not feel there’s imperative to be ‘anti-racist’.

One other way people should try to be anti-racist (I legitimately have no clue if I’m going to be shouted down for this, but it’s something I definitely believe in) is if you are white and you see a person of color being harassed by the police for [insert BS reason for questioning African Americans for just living

Heye now, he didnt walk into womens dressing rooms!

Maybe don’t take that quite so literally. Most of the thought process is a lot more shielded, and will likely be something along the lines of “I don’t want trouble at my kid’s school” which is essentially a more benign-seeming version of “keep those people where they belong.” It isn’t wearing a nametag that says

A covered badge number results in loss of qualified immunity.

Cops killing citizens is bad.

Protesters by and large aren’t destroying stuff.

Anyone who walks away from every situation saying “both sides” doesn’t deserve to have their ideas seriously considered. It’s not a sign of fairness or rationality. It is a sign of loving he status above all else, it’s fear of anything changing.

This is why WHITE PROVOCATEURS are the ones destroying buildings, so that other people can shake their heads and say “Look at what ‘they’ are doing to ‘their’ businesses and community.” It’s a ploy to get you to say “look at both sides” as for many order is more important than justice. The community has rallied around