This is standard with pretty much any mail service, like constant contact or mailchimp. When I send an email though these to a list, I can see who opened it, how many times, and on what device.
This is standard with pretty much any mail service, like constant contact or mailchimp. When I send an email though these to a list, I can see who opened it, how many times, and on what device.
Exactly. And an attempt to punish people who weighed in with their concern by telling them they don’t get to know now.
I saw Mossimo’s name listed on the list of indictments, so it’s really telling that they’re only naming the women involved. It doesn’t look like Macy was charged.
I would have liked the No Doubt needle drop better if they choreographed the fight better to match the song; that’s the one song that really felt disjointed with the action on screen. But other than that, I loved the movie.
I’m sort of relieved that she didn’t even try. I feel like her attempt at a sincere answer would have been even worse.
Could these stats also be due to women not receiving adequate recuperation time in the hospital or follow-up care after the surgery? I have great insurance and was still only allocated three days following my c-section.
I have strokes looming in every corner of my family medical history so I’m really not okay with hearing about young, seemingly healthy people dying of them.
I’ve always hated this type of shoe because my feet are large and out of proportion with my height. I hate any kind of shoe that makes them look bigger and bulkier.
I feel that the movie didn’t even do a good job of showing us that. She keeps popping up after they break up, but it always seems like they haven’t talked since the last time we saw her and that they aren’t that close anymore. She was a very important part of his life, and in my opinion the movie shows her as…
I enjoy that visual.
Do you think Kanye made Kenny set up the flowers? Or did he have to stand there like a statue while an army of assistants trapped him in this vase labyrinth?
Very possible. But this house is on the market, and doing a feature in AD is almost part of the selling material when putting a place like this on the market.
I’m absolutely certain that this behavior was at least alluded to when he and Mandy were getting divorced. This report just has more details of what was already out there.
While I’m very happy that they’re incorporating the Wendigo mythology into this adaptation, everything else can go to hell.
I was thinking that, too. That’s also what I think brought on Britney’s breakdown.
I totally agree. I found the second Guardians movie to be pretty boring and nothing special - I’m totally fine if they never make the third one. You can even replace Quill with Captain Marvel for more space adventures, but he needs to go.
Our PE was graded, but it was mostly a participation grade, not really based on your ability. If you showed up with your gym clothes you were pretty much guaranteed a 100 for the quarter.
Agree. I think Ted is one serial killer that we should study and focus on because his psychopathy allowed him to slip in and out of his ‘normal’ and charming mode and the side that was a cold-blooded murderer who never had any remorse for his crimes.
Yes, this seems like a pretty straightforward telling of the Bundy story and his relationship. It’s gross and uncomfortable because that’s who he was and that’s how the story played out.
YES! The timeline move to make it seem like Live-Aid was his swan song and wasn’t the band so accepting to give him a hug when he told them infuriates me and I don’t understand why that isn’t a bigger part of the conversation around the movie.