Ditto the hippo. It’s a well-known internet factoid they kill more people in Africa than crocodiles. Or something.
Ditto the hippo. It’s a well-known internet factoid they kill more people in Africa than crocodiles. Or something.
It’s been a week of horror and I only just ran across this news story but I will indulge myself with a little fantasy scenario.
Found myself wondering WHERE people should want to live and had a chilling vision of one of the Flying Citadels from the Dragonlance books but with a giant gold T in front.
I threw this on last night, thinking it would be similar to The Crown, as the reviewer did. I couldn’t get into it.
YES. Longtime Wire fan here also.
I read that a while ago and while I don’t remember that particular anecdote, MY GOD there were so many others. And I exactly see your point - he was testing them. Predators are always testing people, to see which category to fit them under.
I found out about Washcloth Magic by (gasp) researching skincare regimens on Youtube, the best of which are by Women of Color. Started using one 5 years ago and never looked back. At no point did I think ‘Oh man I should totally market these to Goopheads for 150 a pop!’ because I have sense.
Whew. I try not to be judgmental of The Youth and What They’re Into but when I looked at those two and their outfits and imagined them reproducing I literally made this face:
I know!
To piggyback on the “why we haven’t had a good Superman/Clark Kent” discussion that took place on this blog 2 years ago -
Also in Florida. I walked a couple blocks on Sunday in Winter Park* and damn near passed out.
Agree. I mean just his little cameo in Deadpool 2 was pretty funny and that barely lasted 30 seconds.
Kind of same, but if he finds those kinds of projects compelling at least he’s in his happy place. I hope the money he makes off stuff like this allows him the freedom to do what he wants.
That’s going to be a tough scene to watch.
What a sad use of a person’s time. I mean in both the macro and the micro sense. Being racist, but being patient enough to sit there fiddling with logins to try and ‘game the system.’
Thank you, will do!
How do we report someone?
I’m thinking about the implications (for us) of Epstein having proof, and Putin knowing it.
I think this is predicated upon climate. I live in Central Florida and between the heat and humidity in summertime I am sometimes sweaty RIGHT AFTER showering.
I imagine it’s just a case of coincidental invention. Ancient peoples lying around after the crops are planted and the pots are in the kiln with nothing pressing to do but survive had a lot of the same toys in the box when it came to myth-making. At least in the early years, anyway.