When I see videos like this with feline vocalizations I look excitedly at my cat for any interesting reactions.
When I see videos like this with feline vocalizations I look excitedly at my cat for any interesting reactions.
I do not personally have a rooster, but I do have a neighbor who has a rooster. I’ve never met her or the bird, but I do hear him crowing once in a while, at random times though never at night because of the owls and hawks around. It’s just faint enough that I can look up from whatever I’m doing and smile.
You know what, though?
As an Orlando resident who just found out I have to fly to Wisconsin the 27th and back home Labor Day weekend, I both appreciate this post and lament its content.
Guy who got bit = The Real MVP.
“...Tyrion show up for no earthly reason other than to maintain our concern for people on both sides of the battle.”
Snooty has joined a rarefied trio who also passed away at 69- Bowie and Rickman.
“I even left romaine lettuce at the memorial at the museum when I went to the star talk at the Planetarium the following Wednesday.”
Did not expect to see a comment on an article about cleaning contain a reference to cavitating. Thank you for elevating my daily read!
THIS. When I first read about that I sat back from my computer screen and did a slow clap for her.
Children’s movies, like Babe, the Narnia movies, Nanny McPhee. But those tend to be deployed during bouts of extreme PMS or if a family member is dying.
That is one adorable floof you’ve got there!
Every day, in every way, he becomes grosser and grosser.
Sometimes steamed dumplings.
I just read about those murders! They would make fascinating and very thought-provoking television.
Herzog! He enjoys spinach, ferociously guarding the house from the unworthy, and peering into the existential abyss just like Werner Herzog, his namesake.
In March, McMaster hired Dina Powell, who had previously worked as an advisor to Ivanka Tump, as the new deputy national security advisor for strategy.
I am legit laughing at my desk at ‘Farthead.’
Confession: I was a white person with dreadlocks. I had them for 2 years. Tried the Knotty Boy wax and it made my hair nasty, so I combed that out and started over without. We carefully sectioned and backcombed because I wanted cool, even locks, and they came out pretty even. Washed ‘em once a week, and they were fine…