
No love for the Fatal Frame/Project Zero series? That scared me worse than Silent Hill, and I played every SH from 2 up to PT.

This is the greatest comment of all time and I just forcibly restrained myself from standing up in my office and going ‘OHHHHH!!!!!!!!’

Floridian here, grew up with calomondon (we didn’t know what use they were so we threw them at each other), grapefruit, orange, key lime, and lemon trees.

My god. That is some next-level gaslighting there.

“The dirty and dangerous Keystone XL pipeline is one of the worst deals imaginable for the American people, so of course Donald Trump supports it,” Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune said in a statement on Friday.

In that case, Fought will have no problem accepting it is the Lord’s Will that he catch these hands.

Hey look, in the mean time, I guess, I can’t be doing so badly, because I’m president, and you’re not. You know. Say hello to everybody OK?

I imagine it would be more like having a stray, outside cat as a pet. You see it when it shows up, and it grows to accept your presence, but you wouldn’t bring it inside, for both your sakes. But from what everyone is saying, it would be something to have a crow recognize you!

As a broad-shouldered girl (I’m short and I lift) I have to take up the noble work of Joan Crawford and hide my linebackerness through camouflage.

I’m glad things are starting to turn around! I hope they continue to get better!

It’s good to see something you’ve already observed in your own life confirmed in data.

An apartment complex with razor wire is a good sign that isn’t a great neighborhood

Child of hoarders, weighing in:

I’ve never heard of a Hotep. In learning about it through this post I notice it has some parallels with Promise Keepers - they both subscribe to the idea that ‘men must be strong so they can protect women.’

Counterpoint: Addams Family Values.

George Michael at 53, Whitney Houston at 48, Michael Jackson at 50, Prince at 57.

I agree - a friend on FB pointed out that the “presidential” and “statesmanlike” quality of his speech normalized and legitimized him for all the people who were (somehow still) on the fence about him.

How about about their choice to have Owens’ widow in the first lady’s box?

While I was standing in line to vote for Hilary, a Trump-supporting woman (!) behind me was saying to her companion ‘I just don’t like that Hilary, she’s got such a foul mouth.’