
Lol you have never been to one of my parties. I’m like Oprah w my games. But I get it. I always tell my hostess to message their friends before even inviting them so it doesn’t feel like a big spamfest, but an actual virtual party!

Is it so you can host a Jamberry party thrown by me & earn awesome hostess rewards? I think it is ;-)

But she probably would have signed a prenup

Decades ago in my Lucy obsession days, I remember ready Vivian had to gain 20lbs (or something of the like) because Lucille didn’t want Viv look thinner or prettier than her.

Pretty positive that is her mom, Tish

Now playing

The cover/video Mindy Smith did for the Dolly tribute about a decade ago is pretty much a mini movie....

Isn’t this why they offer separate tabs at restaurants?

Lmao!!!!! I read the first line as “Never peed on a mirror” I was like, how & why do we know this?

But Gwen already wrote their break up album 16 years ago... Return of Saturn #JustSayin

My corgi officially gave away all her cares to other dogs in YouTube videos. She’s just like, “Mom, this dog isn’t here. Why are you watching this instead of me?”

Wow I am not fully awake yet. I read that as Oprah makes me bawl.

If the Cos really does have dementia, then he probably has concocted a story that the reinstated everything & the public still loves him.

Considering Mario Lopez is a douche in real life, absolutely!