
The event producer who almost blew a guy for the Evian water in the Netflix doc...he’s like ::googly eyes:: “Billy just seemed like he could do anything.”

The event producer who almost blew a guy for the Evian water in the Netflix doc would, in a perfect world, be found guilty of criminal negligence. If he actually has 30 years of experience in the business, as he claims, and he knows that a festival of this scale should take 12 months minimum to plan and execute, as he

I only know one song. And I couln’t believe anyone would fall for McFarland. He was so different from what I expected. He looked like a douche but he sounded and acted really insecure. Not charming or charismatic at all.

I found Ja’s behavior so fucking embarrassing in the netflix doc. I mean, I found ALL of it embarrassing, but he just kept acting like he was the FUCKING MAN when like, bro, when was the last time you even came out with a hit single?!? Like I genuinely can’t think of a fucking Ja Rule song except those two that came

I’m so glad there’s a (hugely successful!) fundraiser for the restaurant owner.  I felt so bad for her. 

Besides the laborers and all the other natives that were taken advantage of, that was honestly the worst part. Yeah, the whole situation sucked, but at the end of the day, this all happened to a bunch of rich kids and no one died so, whatever. But actually being there and seeing everyone getting fucked over, and then

I have the general unfortunate task of herding large numbers of teeming vacationing hoards faced with finite resources.

In the Netflix version- did anyone else kind of freak at the guy who said that after they were told to just go get tents he said ‘we didn’t want neighbors so we started destroying, ripping, and pissing on beds in the tents around us ” or words to that effect? I found that chilling- how many of those types are out

BJ customs guy is the definition of ‘enabler’. If I didn’t know any better I’d think he was Billy’s doting but ignorant rich father.

You mean the guy who got his pilot’s license from Microsoft flight simulator two months prior? Who did nose dives for entertainment?

Is it just me, or are these tweets downright presidential?! All the finger pointing, blame shifting, needless capitalization... Ja Rule 2020!

Ja Rule doesn’t come off well at all in either doc, but he also seems very dumb, so I believe that he believes he didn’t do anything wrong, whereas I think Billy knew he was doing something wrong — he was just expecting that somehow he’d pull it off and be so filthy rich he’d be able to pay back his creditors because

False advertising = misdemeanor 5,000 / six months

Yeah surely that scene in the Netflix doc where he blithely rechristened their OBVIOUS FRAUD as false advertising was a confession of knowledge/complicity/guilt. Also, false advertising is ALSO ILLEGAL!?

I’m pretty sure lying to get people’s money for goods/services you have no intention or ability to produce is pretty much the textbook definition of fraud.

I do think that’s a consideration to remember. But this is a huge pay discrepancy. She isn’t a six figures to his seven lesser name. She’s an established actor who has been Oscar nominated and he’s not exactly the biggest star in the world. He’s a bigger name but he isn’t setting the box office on fire everytime.

When I was 12 years old, while filming “True Lies”, I was sexually molested by Joel Kramer, one of Hollywood’s leading stunt coordinators.

You really think Kate Moss using cocaine (off the job, even) should be on that list?

Also, Ted Danson has had the best television career of anyone over the last 35 years.