Jennifer Mater

this is just depressing.

Good I love him. I think he'd be better on shows other that arrow. There's no family tying him down.

My first thought as well. And I haven't read the books

O.k am I the only one not confused by the opening. It's the baby she had when she returned. Her and frank are raising it.

I don't know who he's playing yet and I already slash them

Claire is the worst. Stop trying to save frank. Poor Mary.

Greek was a great show I stumbled upon it a few years back on netflix.

He was always really rapey to Jamie.

I kinda thought Geillis might be a time travler but she fit in so well

Yeah I always thought if the purge was real there would be less murder and way more rape.

To be fair she got a note. And for all she knew Geillis could of been having a miscarriage. She was staying away.

I kinda admire her for it. You win or you die. And she wasn't about to die.

I thought maybe I'd made up this in my head.

Talk less. Smile More.

Well they use the term faggot fag and cunt so to each it's own.

That was my only that it wouldn't of mattered.

I really am gonna miss Margaery Tyrell she was the best. I knew she was gonna die it's just all the more painful because she realized something bad was gonna happen.

Scientology is a cult that needs to be banned. They only got their tax exempt status by blackmailing the IRS.

Margaery's death still hurts the most.

Team Paris. Come one people