Jennifer Mater

So much hair and not a single nit” Petra: “Yes, well…shampoo.

Why? The starks had the only direwolfs south of the wall

I stopped watching this show ages ago.

The only person who had a good time is Melisandre. With her bringing Jon back it restored her faith. I'm sure she thinks Stannis was a means to an end. He lead her to Jon. The Gods work in weird ways.

I think it's a fake

I don't think it was a direwolf.

The only thing that really happened was I think the show finally confirmed that Jon is lyanna stark's Son. So like all of the stark children tried to get to the wall where Jon was. Sansa finally get's there…and no Jon. Poor Sansa.

This show should of been on the CW from the start.

It's not gambing when I play. Love that sass felicity. Needs more of the old felicity. Thea is safe due to Malcolm. I'm glad they killed Andy. He was just in the way.

I don't know but maybe it's working. I mean she could just as easily end up dead. I remember her meltdown it wasn't pretty.

Well for one they were both kidnapped by zoom.

I know my grandmothers maiden name it's Murry. It comes up every st. Patrick's day when my mom tried to claim to be more Irish than she is.

…And then he died. Iris didn't flat out say it. But her theme seemed to be I choose you..second.

He's not dead. Just stuck in the speed force. They even show it in the promos for next week.

It's what I would do in that situation. Come on it's like the first spell that comes to mind.

Be careful what you wish for. They might kill off barry when the flash movie comes out. I really hope they don't. Because then were just stuck with Jesse and wally.

Is he trapped in the Speed force? I love when Cisco was summoning lighting he said Expecto Patronum it's clearly what we'd all say in that situation . O.k so now that Iris is finally into barry I think its safe to say that Eddie will come back.

My theory as well. Like this episode just confirmed it for me. After the video everyone is saying Nice things about Jane he adds to the list. I think it might end like 30 Rock. With the story ending and Mateo finishing reading from the novel he wrote about his crazy childhood.

Called it
Called it
Called it!
I knew Anezka was playing a long con. I never bought that poor peasant girl act for a minute. Wonder if she'll do the standard and try to kill Petra.
O.k so I think the Narrator is Mateo.

Can they just kill Ramsey already. It's like the show thinks it needs to fill the Joffery void. It doesn't. Yay Jon's alive I was afraid nothing would happen this season and the very last episode he'd be brought to life. I was always indifferent to Jon hopefully he's better now.