Jennifer Mater

So clearly Anezka is playing a long con and gonna try to grift her sister. Whatever. My main concern is Micheal. Please Please don't kill him off. Come on killing Rafael would server the plot just as well. Plus upside is no more Rafael.

I was so happy when Peter showed him. I don't really care who she ends up with. I'm actually not that big of a danny fan. I liked him better before they got together. I love seth myers and his dog frisbee. He's good friends with Ike Barinholtz.

What! Micheal isn't going to die.

O.k so it was Petra dying her hair then WTF? Although it did explain why petra had twnis they run in her family. The best thing you can do for these girls is give them up. Makes a bit more sense as she was talking from experience. What is it with this show ans twins? Hope her sister isn't evil.

No they took some Utopium before hand.

Oh I noticed it. This show loves it puns.

Don-E's not dead.

I love the ending with them singing unwell. Delightful. Kinda sad Rita got shot. And really sad about drake. Only can hope the actor pops up on another CW show. I was a little confused on to how those lab guys became Zombies.
DonE is totally still alive. He didn't want to zombie out so he just kinda let them think

Was I was like 8 at the time. The show holds up to an eight year old.

This show needs to be on the CW. Really I mean 1.the original was on the WB. 2. Sexy fantasy shows are like 90% of what they do.

They should of kill him. I knew they wouldn't. I kinda hope they get rid of rip and savage.

You know if they bring Larual back they can bring back tommy.

I nothing Laurel. Like better her than diggle or her father. That being said…it's the cw. I'm sure she's really dead but so was sara.
Poor Diggle. He just couldn't see it. Andy was shady as fuck.
I'm o.k with Lural dying but I don't think it'll stick. The black cnary is cannon. Unless this show pulls a smalllville and

I like Ravi's explanation of blaine visiting him there. I think I'm the only doctor he remembers. It sells.
Every season should involved Major in danger. I only seem to like him when his life's in danger.

I didn't think her voice was that different.

Fuck indonesia you keep on keeping on Leo.

Is peter friends with Gwen in real life because that would make my day.

Gay jokes with Raj I think are just pandering to the older people who watch this show. I honstly only still watch because I am vested into Amy and Sheldon relationship.

Every episode from now on has to have Ray mention that he was a Eagle scout. I want Nyassa to come back.

Emotional abuse is a real thing. She is the worst and they need to address it.