Jennifer Mater

I knew one of them would become a zombie it was just a toss up on which. Hope she comes back as a functioning zombie.
I'm hoping by the end of the season Clive finds out about the Zombies.

It took me a minute to get the reference.

No it's like the voice in her head wasn't her. More of a split personality caused by the drug. Same with Jay and Zoom.

It's just Jay so so over the top shady I thought for sure he was a red herring.

I love that Micheal saved him. Like he was always a Micheal fan but this…The just puts him on a whole new level. I love Rogelio. I kinda think the brother is still gonna kill him off. I just want Jane and Micheal to be married so that they can be the anchor couple.

You give the man too much credit.

This show has alot of semi incest. Like everyone of the main cast is related by blood or marrige. Like hooking up with your ex's step father nice.

I can't stand Milah poor Rumple had to deal with her emotional abuse their entire marriage. He comes back from the war and she says she wished he died. I mean it's their in all the flashbacks. Also she didn't really seem to care about the fact that she has a grandson.

I didn't realize this was the end until you mentioned it. The saw thing was brutal poor Gary. Now we have to wait another 5 years for the next season.

O.k the actress playing belle is pregnant so I saw that coming a mile away. But I love the added twist. Instead of hey another baby deal with it.
Rumple is the best. It's like a train wreck you see him steer off the track with no one keeping him in check.

Betty from bomb girls was on this. She is the very image of repressed lesbians from the 40's/50's.

I love the cw. I was a pretty big wb fan as a kid.

I was a kid when Xena was on but even I was like their a couple right. Just hope the reboot is on the CW.

hop they go back to archer vice.

I didn't watch season 6 mainly because I was worried. season 5 ended o.k. Sometimes final seasons ruin shows. Like HIMYM

I hope this gets canceled. Only reason I can tolrate Lucifer is I'm pretty sure someone just took the plot the God Cop switched out the God part so tina fey wouldn't sue.

I'm still really worried about Micheal. But a little less so now that thee back to together. Last season it was implied that they either got back together or they killed Micheal off.

I think it's more like Petra didn't know where she heard the names from. And Rafeal just rolled with it.
I am so so so happy Micheal and Jane are back together. Smiles now I don't have to worry about him getting killed off anytime soon.
I need more Petra she is boss.

I love hank so much. Also The Monarch has always been cool with killing people. Remember when he killed that therapist so rusty would be free to arch. He's actually good at killing people so long as they aren't rusty.

O.k Regina ticked thr mad hatter to switch places with her father in season 1. He's hades and the blue flame hair is a call back to disney's hercules.