Jennifer Mater

Thank you it's been mentioned he has a bad heart. I still think he'll get killed versus natural causes but it's going to be him. Actually though he would get killed off once he knew like really found out about the arrow.

O.k after this episode I'm sure it's Lance's grave we see in the beginning. He's the last parental figure on this show. Merlin doesn't count. His death will hurt the most.

Really? It was like the whole plot of season 1. I love that they continued on this. It's the whole reason Blaine owns a funeral home.

I love that the dogs name in Minor. Glad they gave Clive a love interested he needs something to do other be a so so detective. I was worried the last moment with Major would be a fake out

I can't get over how creepy Barry and Iris coupling is. Joe should not be o.k with it.

Yeah but Snart is man pretty.

I still don't trust patty.

I love Petra she is delightful. Team Micheal all the way.

I'm not sure I trust her office helper. But I love that she's just as bad as making excuses as oliver. Reminds me of season 1.

The ending broke my heart. Emma for all her bad peopleness has always been good. And Regina has always seen her as such. Regina lost faith in Emma. I fully support Emma and her plan. Was Merlin the popcorn user?

Once they both yelled at her I knew she'd be the one to win. All hail Queen Amy.

she was the worst.

Have you ever seen the puppet episode of Angel? They totally go into deals with the devil over shows.

I was 12 when the show first came on. Love it. But going back I realize how awful some of the episodes were. seasons 8-10 are the worst. Season 7 at the very least had lex and lana.

Smallville was amazing. But Lex Lana and Lionel are what made the show. The last few seasons were worthless without them. Lex and Lana were my power couple.

I think funny happy brains she just goes with it.

They guy getting eaten that's on him. Maybe we don't follow the man you just threatened into a shady sub-basement.

I can only assume your talking about Snart and Barry.


him and barry man all day everyday. They are the ship that I sail.