Jennifer Mater

There's an episode that says Micheal believes Jane is the one for him and he thought so for the rest of his life. Either he gets killed or or he's the endgame. I watched all of season 1 on netflix I went from hating him to thinking he was ok to rooting for him.

my subtitles said it was german.

I really like Micheal. I binged this on netflix and I'm just worried they'll kill him off. The narrator slightly implied it in am episode. That he thought jane was the one for him for the rest of his life.
1. he ends up with jane.
2.he gets killed off
3. he lives the rest of his life pining after the girl who dumps

I'm not going to read the comments because I know there terrible.Good for her for saying something. Equal pay

Fuck you. That movie made so much money. Yeah how dare women want to be treated like equals. You are part of the problem.

I have a high threshold for CW shows but this was too much.

I would love it if Mr. Boss was Blaine's dad. I also love the Blaine still pretends to be a zombie. but since his dad is a zombie I find it unlikely. I do love that this show always seems to have a low level of corruption.

I forgot that her phone was bugged.

I feel the same way about dean. Supernatural should be a show that I watch but I don't because he's in it. I also only watched hero's because of Milo Ventimiglia.

I just wish they would come back and do one final episode. I heard that they were supposed to get together in the end.

I'm guessing since he said long story there gonna give him some flashes.

I know nothing of the comics So don't know anything I would love it if Zoom was the other Dr.Wells. Either way I'm just glad dr. wells is back.

He had his own man kill himself. I think it's more he can justify everything because it's for camlot.

It was amazing that she threw his own words at him. I'm glad he admitted he was in the wrong.

Rumple could pull it off He was just that charming.

They assume she's up to no good. But actually it's Arthur that is the real villain it's a misdirection.

Umm Zelenda raped Robin. What she did was not o.k. Zelena is very unstable Regina's not wrong for wanting to get that kid away from crazy.

Zelena raped Robin. I'm sorry but dressing up as someones dead wife to have a baby is all kinds of messed up. Also if I remember isn't that part of king Arthur his half sister pretends to be someone else and sleeps with him.

I think in a twist is she didn't do anything. It was all Arthur doing. Those camelot people are shady

I buy it as we didn't actually see corra kill him.