Jennifer Mater

This is really random but I can't help but think of the first Disneyland episode I ever saw Sabrina. Look at least live in the state. We're going to Disneyland…because Magic.

I don't thin it's money laundering so much as him straight up buying her.

I love Bishops not so not so subtle I own you moment wit the button at the end.

they were band aids.

It's only forever not long at all.

I love Andy. Really liked him with Erin

I love Andy. Really liked him with Erin

Laurel is the worst.

Me to. It's one of the many reason I love her.

I really hope so.

I've been an Olicity fan since mid season one. So I know the pain.I just hope this show doesn't pull a smallville.

The problem is I know just enough of what happens in the comics to be spoiled.

if killing off sara meant they got to keep Daddy Lance I'm all for it.

I knew the Olicity was to good to be true.Damn them forgiving us hope. Clearly Felicity is going to start dating that new guy who offered her a job. I just really want them to be a couple.

o.k I don't read comics so it's all good.

so the man who killed his mother was him from the future right?
All good. Glad they didn't mention felicity. I am a die hard Olicity fan

First you drop Once now this. Why do you hate everything I love. Oh well at least this season has some bamon.

My other girlfriends didn't steal my change. I love Mindy and Danny. Glad they didn't make the mom a crazy racist. It's 2014 that's not o.k

I love the end.So hot.Glad they used/explained his dance skills.

That's where he's from. I've been trying to place his without IMDB because of spoilers.