Jennifer Mater

he went to live on a farm upstate.

Andy was always going to be a child entertainer this is what most likely would of happend had he not gotten hurt at the end of season 2. Only better because now he has April and she is the brains.

love it. Love the lava being read for Abed this fits into hoe he deals with people leaving.

I totally agree. My favorite moment is way back in season one when we find out that she is not in fact in the tomb.

this to se seemed to happen right after the failed tyler/Rebekah take over. so the originals takes place at least a few months ahead of vd.

No but I have a feeling that she will go to him on the Originals at some point.

because it's Matt. He's the dull human core. they weren't going to kill him off.

IT'S A TRAP BITCH. I'm sorry but given a choice between Katherine and Elena I will always choose Katherine. How did she not see that coming. Wow her daughter is awesome she faked the fight for Damon's benefit.

I'm so glad Ramon is alive. We need more of him. Yeah the money's fake but they could still do something will it.

that even worst. Why I bought the book years ago but never finshed it…at least Game of thrones has dragons. The more time I spent online more desensitized I am towards incest.

Why can't we have fun kitkat flavors in the U.S. yeah some of them are gross. But most sound good. As an American I demand more candy.

It was o.k. My only fear is Donald Glover won't ever come back and they'll kill him off like they did Pierce.

whatever happened to Raylan and Ava?

umm he believed that both his kidneys got taken out. So not the sharpest tool.

yeah that was icky. I love the cousin's war. And just upset with how casual everyone was about his hooking up/planning to marry his niece

I never read the books. But isn't the reason she hides her children because she slept with her uncle.

So glad they didn't kill Josh.

this isn't buffy. where all you had to do was stake some one in the chest or close to. It has to be the heart.

I'm such an olicity. Felicity is a million times better than Laurel. Tough at least for once she's doing something useful. I don't care who he ends up in the comics. He needs to end up with her she's amazing.

I'd be really be really pissed if Angelo ran out of money. I don't like him but