Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to seen Lindsey redeemed, but it fit the morally gray tone of the series. However, Angel was tying up loose ends and Lindsey was a loose end.
Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to seen Lindsey redeemed, but it fit the morally gray tone of the series. However, Angel was tying up loose ends and Lindsey was a loose end.
This is why I was happy that Buffy actually called him out on it in season seven when Anya became a vengeance demon again.
You know what's kind of sad?
There was actually a really good short story written by Harry Turtledove about that.
Amy Acker voiced her in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon, so there's that.
Him and in another 3 Degrees of Joss Whedon, so did David Boreanaz.
You know, I would watch the shit out of a movie like that. Campbell, Fillion, Russel and Frakes? Sign me up. Throw in Katee Stackoff and I'm so there.
When Frank Miller was doing the art for the first Wolverine min-series, one of the covers looked pretty much like Clint Eastwood.
This was actually addressed in Mark Millar's Marvel Knight's Punisher run. Frank specifically says, "There's no way I can beat him in a fair fight. So I don't."
So, have Legends of Tomorrow tanked so badly that Purcell and Miller have preemptively brought this show back to life?
Sounds painful, having to Emmys in you. I mean, you're gonna have to get those fuckers out.
Fates doesn't have the Eugenics factor anymore.
Have to say this, Donnie Yen would own Jet Li in a straight up fight. Jet Li studied Peking Opera. Donnie Yen was the head of a gang in San Fransisco's Chinatown when he was a teenager (which is why he was sent to China, to study with his relatives to keep him out of trouble). Practical use versus performing arts,…
Admittedly, I would watch Tom Hiddleston as the Goblin King, and him only.
Actually, Integra and Seras's voice actresses were British. All the others were Americans pretending to be British.
Amen! Plus it was revealed that English is the common language in Ronapur so it makes sense for it to be in English.
When is Agent Carter showing up? Like freaking SHIELD gets on there a week after the season finale, but where's Carter?
Borrowed from Joss Whedon of course.
If anything sums up Angel, it's literally that line, "It's not the demon in me that needs killing, it's the man." William, even though he was a bit of a romantic doormat, was a relatively sweet guy. Liam on the other hand should have died before he was 30 of syphilis or stabbed in a bar fight.