Jennifer L. Bratcher-Barnes

If John Carpenter isn't available for the soundtrack, then Carpenter Brut would be an acceptable substitute.

But you know who Angel calls for as he's losing his soul after he "sleeps" with Cordy?

I always thought it was because Angelus couldn't "break" Buffy like he did Dru. So Acathla was him having a bit of a temper tantrum.

Dude, "Lie to Me" is super important, especially when you get to Angelus.

And Whedon is very vocal about his love for Kitty Pride, who was, you guessed it, a huge inspiration for Buffy.

You know, I did too. If you take it away from the comic, it's this fun action-horror movie. Plus it has some great takes of hell.

I have a feeling that Spike and Angel would literally laugh their asses off if they met the Salvatore brothers.

Eh, Bruce Campbell's done pretty well for himself, and he was in all the Sam Rami Spider-Man movies!

Well, her and Angel have this relationship that's pretty unique to them. Before the comics, Angel was the one character that never gave up on Faith when everyone was ready to write her off. So, as we saw on season four of Angel, that made Faith give Angel the same sort of . . . faith in him even when he was Angelus

Die Hard is my favorite Christmas movie.

Hey, he totally made that 80s dance and played Bon Jovi for Rebekah though.

It's kind of sad, the main character needed to be a chameleon actor, and as much as I loved Faith, Eliza couldn't pull it off. I mean, remember the episode where Faith and Buffy switched bodies?

I hate to admit this, but Puscifer is best when remixed by Reinholder. The Renholder remix of "The Undertaker" is freaking amazing. Like some lost APC song on steroids.

Apparently Tool is working on a new album so yay.

Except for the Punisher stuff. They did Frank right, just coming off that amazing high Electra looked like shit.

Nefaria was an Avengers villain so Marvel could use him.

Cole is basically Angel with less nuisance. Funnily enough, Cole had a better actor (I had a crazy crush on David Boreanaz, but Julian McMaonon could run circles around him), but Angel was better written.

No, they drive according to Buffy.

Yeah, but she'll end up smoking hot once she grows up though. Attractive Redheads generally have this super awkward faze in their teen years.