Jennifer L. Bratcher-Barnes

Mine would probably be "Sin City". Not a Frank Millar fan. I don't like his artwork, his "All Star Batman" was a train wreck that was unintentionally hilarious, and his writing is sort of meh. Also, apparently he seems to hate my gender. Yet, I love the shit out of "Sin City".

Ironically, Collins is now writing the Vampirella monthly . . . Even though Vampi would be cool, Sonya Blue would work better on screen. Not to mention awesome hand to hand battles with a hot punk chick armed with only a silver switchblade.

Why reboot Underworld? They could either A.) Make up something new (originality in Hollywood, heaven forbid!) or B.) They were really that hellbent for a sexy lady vampire in leather, do an adaptation of Nancy A. Collins's Sonya Blue series.

Frakes, Trope Daddy.

I logged on so I can say, yes more Gargoyles reviews! I've loved the Justice League and BtAS reviews, but there's something wonderfully nostalgic about Gargoyles. Plus Xanatos is one of the greatest antagonists ever created. Wonderfully complicated and complex and voiced fantastically by Jonathan Frakes. (If I