Jenny from the Arrondissement

Hey, you should be grateful we even give you the right to vote! And you get a whole Bureau for your affairs! Government waste, that!

lol, k.

This is some weak shit, right here. Nice try.

“Ernest Ruins Everything”

Someone should make a whole set in different, yet coordinating colors:

I don’t even know the football things, but I get this joke and I like this joke.

Isla Fisher has a great sense of humor - and she’s married to Sascha Baron Cohen!

I’m happy she’s happy too.

Cheers to Jay for throwing something correctly.

Oh noes! Nazi Barbie is mad, MAD I tells ya! She’s going to give Meryl a what-for on her FINAL THOUGHTS! Watch out, here it comes!

Jeez! Every time Tomi Lahren calls someone a “snowflake”...

Conway. Kellyanne Conway is worse. She’s more deeply evil because she has the intelligence to know better. Lahren’s just a blonde Palin.

im fucking having a rage stroke right now. i would claw this womans eyes out.

He literally said her father wasn’t a war hero because he was captured.

Literally no one worked harder and more directly to prevent “all this Trump bullshit” than Hillary Clinton.


“I was having every emotion I’ve tried to get rid of over the past few weeks,” audience member Jordan Serpone told The New York Times. “She shouldn’t be here. She should be planning her cabinet.”

There are many reasons to not present much of the evidence. Much of it can be surmised by what level of confidence each agency gave it. NSA can only give moderate confidence because of the way NSA gathers its evidence. The FBI and CIA almost certainly have human assets at high reaches of the government and their lives