which head?
which head?
All tweets are like that to be honest.
You shouldn’t feel bad about it, at all (even if the general consensus is that you’re an awful, awful person! bad, millennial! bad!) It’s good that you acknowledge the help you received.
there is no sex in Church
Well, his public image prior to this was as the guy who was not a threat or disgustingly porn-y.
Of interest: The porn industry is quicker to drop someone over allegations of rape than the NFL or NCAA.
Why did you give away a plot point in a movie that has been out for less than week in a thread about a different movie?
Lots of women have rape fantasies. Please remember that kink shaming is not okay, and neither acting in nor viewing videos simulating rape is an endorsement of actual rape.
To add to your comment, the flawed definition of rape also completely negates the importance of teaching consent. If rape is only about power, then teaching consent is meaningless.
While I agree that rape and sex are fundamentally different, the whole “rape is always about power and control, and never about sexual desire” thing that has been accepted as a truism really goes too far.
Your point?
Good Luck to you, thanks good good times, thanks for SLOT.
Erin i hope you make good friends at your next office and they don’t make you feel like you are part of the group but then all go get to coffee in the afternoon without you and make you feel like ‘ok i guess you guys all hate me maybe i should just get a new job’
It’s different when it’s the author’s wish fulfillment.
I will always ungrey Hoban Washburne. He’s a leaf on the wind.
you were never $400 you liar you!
You shut your whore mouth. It is mildly funny with the proper portions of drug cocktails.
Not gonna lie, a food basket is not an appropriate wedding gift.
I'm not sure if it's the first wedding you have been to, but for your next wedding... People give envelopes. I lost out on $200 covering you and your dates plate... And got fluffy whip and sour patch kids in return Just a heads up for the future :)