Jennifer Goodland

Your comments about "99.9%" concerned me the most. You also said "I can't think of any that has it in the front except for Top of Rock." This would indicate that you are not aware or Terkel or of the other projects I have mentioned. Because you said you weren't aware of them.

You are simply incorrect about the "vast majority of the genre." Look, for example, at Studs Terkel (and it would be unwise to dismiss his work as atypical). Storycorps, one of the largest ongoing oral history projects. I gave you a best practices book to peruse and you dismiss it.

Mr. Klickstein, an index or rear glossary or appendix as a substitute for contextual or parenthetical introduction is not a good practice for oral history publication. Best practices in oral history writing ask for more careful introduction of all context - subjects, people, places - as the interviewee is introduced

"Slimed is a product of blind, overly nostalgic fandom, and this, in large part, is the problem with the oral history format." Actually, that's a problem with BAD oral history. Those of us who use and conduct oral histories responsibly use external sources to verify details. We use collective memory theory and