Jennifer Frisk

Meh. I saw him first on the unfortunate Emily Owens, M.D. and next on a later season of Revenge, and both those roles were bad enough to make me dislike him. He's slowly winning me over in this, but he ain't all that.
(Not that anyone cares, but Emily Owens M.D. also had Aja Naomi King who I'm in love with. Sigh.)

Um, that show was beloved in my house. Up All Night. The network destroyed it and then unceremoniously canceled it. Bastards.

I reluctantly like this show. I typically hate when things very obviously manipulate your feelings, and there were a few points during the pilot I felt like rolling my eyes.
But sticking with it a bit, the "hook" for me was seeing the story of these people's lives from multiple perspectives and time frames. You

Yeah and a lot of people hate on that show for that very reason. I think Unbreakable KS has a great undercurrent of dark humor that people don't give it credit for.

Blazing Saddles is my dad's number one favorite movie in the world, so the first time I watched it I was probably 3 years old. I don't think he cared if I got it or not.

All of the movies he recommended are gems.

Uh, how could you not highlight three of my favorite movies that are included: The American President, the 90's Sabrina, and The Fountain??? I'm actually really excited about this.
Also some other decent 90's Valentine's-ish movies: Addicted to Love, Chocolat, City of Angels, Forces of Nature, Untamed Heart… I

He was a little dorky in a cute way, but have you seen him lately?

I'm certainly having a hard time watching comedy shows, especially with so many of them centering around current events. None of this feels very funny.

I love Chris Farley for just that reason. So funny and full of heart <3

My husband and I just completed Breaking Bad last weekend, and this weekend started It's Always Sunny. Small world!
My take on It's Always Sunny: I love it because it's a show about white people that is actually how white people are, not how white people think they are. They're complete assholes who don't really

I remember being skeptical that Aaron Paul could play the husband and a father of a teenage son, but wow. I thought some of the best acting was his scenes with his son. This convinced me he has range beyond the role he is most famous for.

Wow, thank you! It's worth a shot at least.

PS4. Which in retrospect was a mistake. We used to be an Xbox family until they announced Xbox one was more expensive, wouldn't have backwards compatibility, etc etc… Also Halo was no longer worth sticking around for. But fast forward a few years and I'm ready to go back. Playstation tries to push their damn

We only have Hulu and Netflix.

My husband and I love Crazy Ex-Girlfriend like nobody's business, but I hate that we can't keep up with it on Hulu anymore. Being forced to watch anything on our desktop is gonna be a no-go for us lazy couch sitters.

Yes those, and I personally like Road to El Dorado. And the first Shrek.

She was also on the decently successful Party of Five when she was a kid, so she's got some fame/money from that.

McAdams is frequently different shades. She is my dream girlfriend and I marvel at the fact that she can pull them all off. ❤