Jennifer Frisk

It's the best way to clean screens from screen printing. It's hypnotic getting in the rhythm cleaning them.

I've recently discovered Grapefruit Jarritos and I'm obsessed. I grew up on pineapple and strawberry which are ridiculously sweet to me now, and switched to lime when I was a little older because it wasn't quite so sugary. But now that I've tried grapefruit I'll never go back! It's better than Squirt, and I love

That was my introduction to James McAvoy, and I've swooned over him ever since.

I read it all the way through for the first time when I was pregnant with my second son, and it was ridiculously depressing. It is absolutely about Jack's alcoholism, but I think it also touches on father-son relationship dynamics, masculinity, anger, mental illness, self-medicating, and mid-life crises. I think it

After reading the book, I actually liked their interpretation of that character better than Kubrick's. I love that movie, but it's very dissimilar from the book.

Not to mention no one from Luke's family was at their wedding. Thought it was weird for Jess or his daughter or his sister not to be there.

"It's your funeral, you dumb son of a bitch" (said to the old lady at the grocery store in Brooklyn99) was the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Adrian and Rosa for life!

I make myself tell my husband when I do things like that. My potential shame is usually enough to keep me from doing it.
For the record, he's a huge enabler and therefore doesn't ever care.

Yes! I just bought ruffles and onion dip on Tuesday for the first time in probably 6 years, and it was gone that same night. It's disgusting to me to think of how bad it is for me and also how little self control I have when that combination is in front of me.

Hot Cheetos on white bread was something I ate regularly in middle school.

Buttered white bread, folded up with hamburger helper inside… White trash yum!

I've become emotionally invested in defending him since seeing the third "article" on buzzfeed about how poorly he has aged. Fuck you too, buzzfeed!

Exactly this. I hate hearing that Trump won because we didn't cater to people who are basically against equal rights. It's not just different opinions — they are on the wrong side of history.

Aww, I love Beans!

My kids are all white males and I am devastated that the first president they'll be old enough to remember is Trump. And my job of raising them to be kind, empathetic, decent human beings seems even more daunting of a task knowing that half our voting population is in favor of someone like Trump and what he stands

I feel you. An old high school friend posted a picture of herself and her 2 year old daughter at the polls, proud of herself for voting to "make America great again". It hurt my heart.

I think this is just the first half of season 3. The rest is early next year I believe.

I said the same thing to my husband, you're not alone!

Same here, it feels so strange to not be carded at the grocery store :/

Did anyone else see a parallel with credit worthiness in real life? Like once you're below a certain number it's almost impossible to rebound?