Jennifer Ford

No, they said who they meant. They were highlighting the run of the show that Oliver hosted over the summer while Jon Stewart was shooting a film.

I think that entire scene was foreshadowing for a future time when Bell reconciles to accepting Holmes's support. It's possible it's something Joan will even use to assist Bell as she's been learning it herself as she makes explicit note of Sherlock using his left hand when commenting on his attempt to distract

I agree, but it was not a criminal trial and no one's life or freedom was at stake. The Captain has always been aware of Holmes's stretching of the legal niceties. It's one of the things that makes him useful as the cops doing the same would get a case tossed for sure.

Ooo, yay! Going to go rewatch. I haven't seen it for ages but I still remember most of the words to that jingle.

This show was genius and if you like dark, try the episode where the gang tapes a lively jingle for a funeral home.

I didn't think they looked giddy or happy — more like they were putting on Braverman faces for their family's sake.

To be fair to the show, I was pretty sure Ryan was going to beat AMBER up, so I was a bit surprised.

That is exactly what the rewatch felt like. It was just way too much.

Neither is perfect, but RTD's "Lonely God" take on the Doctor could get really embarrassing (Titanic Christmas episode for instance).

I mostly notice that I can't login to my site account (vs this disqus one) with Twitter which is the account I logged in with back when you could do that and so that's the account all my show notifications are tied to… so that's a nice new feature…

I seriously cannot believe Fox renewed this show for two more seasons.