Jennifer Eichenberger

I am surprised the writer is surprised at these little seemingly inconsequential offshoots. Clearly, an army will be needed to go to war with the saviors, which means all these little frightened villages will have to band together with Rick's gang to form one fearsome army. The shoot first, ask questions later group

Mellie let Daddy Pope out, so she can kill him herself. Now THAT will be fun to watch! Daddy Pope takes Mellie's son, Olivia takes Mellie's husband, Mellie takes Olivia's father.

Nope; I'm done. I tried and tried and tried to give this show every chance and it disappointed me at every turn. Horrible casting, bad writing, sad performances, laughable CGI. This episode was epic in its suckiness. Nope, nope, and nope. I'm out.

Sorry, I feel this was a terribly weak, wasted episode. It was heavy and ham handed, and the writers beat a dead horse until the flies were circling. I get it, I get it— we can't give up, we can't lay down and die, we have to fight. Well DUH, that is pretty clear. That theme has always run through the episodes and

I totally did not like the choice of Fiona Apple for the musical number. Like the other week's David Bowie tune, it's dissonance yanked me right out of the show! It certainly is jarring to hear a modern tune for a show set in the 50's. It doesn't fit and makes an otherwise excellent show less enjoyable. Did anyone

See, the whole reason the kids had to die was so Carol could be forgiven by Tyreese. Yes, the plot was absurd and contrived, but the only way he could forgive her was to see that the decisions she makes are difficult for her but ultimately for the good of the group. This wasn't the best way to do it, but it was the

The first two seasons were SO, SO, SO much better. Please watch them. Don't jusdge the show by this waste of a season. I am horribly disappointed but I keep watching, hoping it will improve, but hopes fade and all I can do is laugh at the horrible 6th grade dialogue between the teenaged witches.

I don't have the fortitude to plow through 323 comments so I apologize if someone has already said this, but if you wanted to really teach Mme LaLaurie a lesson, since there was a massacre and a ton of bodies laying around, Queenie could have attached her head to a African-American body (since the show seems to love