
Except she could have not said anything. Her choosing to respond is news.

Can we stop with the Clinton shit. She is no longer news. She is not the president. She is not actively destroying our country. She is a flawed person who has made a fair amount of stupid decisions in her life. She has also been attacked relentlessly for her mistakes. And also for everything else she has ever done. It

This is not true. She is one of the most well liked people in the business and anyone who has worked with her will tell you that along with a strong work ethic, she is very kind.

You’re the one who seems tense and mean.

She plays a lot of high-strung, selfish characters but no one she’s worked with (even in blind gossip items) every seems to have anything but lovely things to say about her as a person. So I guess that shows she’s a really skilled character actress.

I’m down for this Netflix boycott for precisely the reason Mo’Nique is saying. If we accept the pickle juice that’s all they’ll offer us. I’ve paid good American money to see this woman in concert and it was PACKED with chortling fans in our Sunday best. She’s a muhfucking Queen of Comedy and they’re treating her

I’ve been hesitant to join in any discussion on this because I’m a man but I think you bring up an interesting point about non-verbal cues. In my experience, men are terrible at picking up on non-verbal cues and reading body language so it’s not shocking to me that Aziz may not have noticed when she went “cold and

Why is Jezebel obligated to have a “take” on every sexual assault story in the news. That’s how you get lazy articles that add nothing to the conversation.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

This is the internet, remember? Any remotely “problematic” thing you have ever done is all you are, forever. You are not allowed to learn from your mistakes. You are just a monster for all times.

All Im saying is if he were so sorry he wouldnt have took the job.

No Aziz Ansari article or even a mention? Seems like when older, less-relevant-to-millennials actors are accused, people were happy to jump on the bandwagon but are struggling more with certified faves.

I think Manning will end up becoming one of those people in the LGBT+ community where we’re just going “please, stop trying to represent us” at this rate.

I wish that I could laugh at this. But I actually find it pretty scary. Chelsea Manning is an absolute lunatic, but apparently so are a signifiant portion of the voting public.

This isn’t a contest for me: I’ll be voting for Ben Cardin as I have before. He’s a great Senator with a strong liberal track record.

I’d be on your side if he wasn’t wearing a pin that said “Time’s Up”. Don’t wear a pin supporting a cause if you don’t even know what that cause is. And expect to be asked about it.

Yeah, why’s that not on here? Same with Ed Sheeran’s Shape of You, but he’s on here already so I’ll let that one go...

(dis)honorable mention: Despacito by Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee and JUSTIN BEIBER. Because what Beiber did to that song was ruin it with his horrible “Spanish”. The original song is sweet perfection tho.

Ok. I think you maybe need to step away from the eggnog?

Watch Being Human.