“So Ed Gein kept a bucket of vaginas preserved in salt. So what? Every boy needs a hobby!”
“So Ed Gein kept a bucket of vaginas preserved in salt. So what? Every boy needs a hobby!”
I had a GRAND vision for my senior portraits. I was really into Judy Garland and attempted to recreate her ‘Get Happy’ look from Summer Stock. I just KNEW that this photo was going to be pure artistic expression...
Oh hello 1996.
This is me! It was a big deal to have the outside shots back in the day. What you can’t see in the photo are my fabulous Birkenstock sandals that I had to BEG my mom to wear.
I'm reading this in the voice of Nick Offerman
Oh that's nothing. If you want to see Farrah's overconfidence head on over to Amazon and read the sample of one of her erotic novels. It is unbelievable. Pretty much just a self-tribute where people are either fawning over her beauty and talent or they are jealous haters. And then spliced in are some really awful sex…
Has she found a good professional therapist to help her through the PTSD? May I recommend art, drama, music and yoga therapy? It can do wonders for the right client. Research NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS and NADT National Association of Drama Therapists for practitioners.
Also, if anybody has any information regarding other court cases that resulted in a victory for the victim that would be much appreciated.
Look up the Know Your IX group! It was founded by women who sued their universities, and they have plenty of resources on their site. (I'm sure they would talk to your relative about her specific case if she wanted.)
I unfortunately do not have specific advice to give, but with all of the universities under investigation for Title XI violations there should be a good number of resources for your family member if you do some internet searching. This is a big story in the media right now and I know there are a lot of groups out…
Sometimes I feel like lies don't count as lies when the truth is nobody's business anyway.
Not for the man who could have single-handedly stopped 9/11.
Confession time: I once went on a second date with a guy who ordered a beautiful $40 steak well done. I ordered mine just shy of med- rare. I never went out with him after that and couldn't bring myself to tell him that it was because of how he ordered his steak.
I really hesitate to glorify this kind of bullying "I'm just being honest" personality. I had a mother like this, and in real life these people are hugely destructive in the long term, and their "honesty" is based in their own warped version of reality. And sometimes a bitchy woman is not a…
I'm older and know the life of not sugar-coating. What I once believed was a virtue, is a cop-out. Part of being civilized is to live the truth, speak your truth, and to be kind. Sometimes truth needs kindness, not sugar-coated, but gently told. Another way. It is not just one way or another. We must learn how to…
I don't want women to feel pressured to be nice all the time, however I have never liked the implication that people who are not nice are somehow inherently more "real" or "truthful" than others. Sometimes the not-nice things someone says aren't truths, they're just opinions, the opinions of someone who has a bleak…
I've seen so many horror movies and read so much Stephen King that usually these stories don't get to me — yesterday's weren't that bad at all, to me — but holy crap if The Next Cabin Over didn't just freak the shit out of me. We also live way back in the woods, and at night it's pitch black out here and I'm always…
When I was a teenager, my grandfather (my mom's dad) started suffering from dementia and came to live at our house for a few years. It was a nice time being with him, but it was also sad, watching him decline. The dementia went mostly as expected; strangely misplaced items, general confusion. But there was one really…
I've briefly mentioned my house on GT before, but here's the whole story! I've lived in my current house for several years, and have always felt the "not quite alone" sensation the whole time I've been here, pretty much from day one. I remember the very first night I spent in the house, I was sitting at my…