
My favorite argument against this video is that Islam did not exist when Cleopatra was alive.

Farscape the movie, i can't wait. I loved the show.


Yeah but I feel bad for his daughters who were there too. And I don't mean Soon Yi.

And Tom Hardy's doppelganger has a twin. Is that a Trippleganger?

Lol, though I do love the word sheeple though. I wish I had more of an excuse to use it.

Exactly. This is just as bad as when Jenny McCarthy stated that immunizations gave her kid autism.

YOU WILL PRY THEM OUT OF MY COLD DEAD HANDS. Turned shark week into shark day, no cramps, no headaches, and no babies. And now them sweet bitches is free.

Welcomebackblotter, I think the story is that our idea of "better" is messed up. So there's a certain joy at realizing that what they thought was ideal, isn't — that in reality we love our freckles. The hope is that maybe as a society we can grow to love our bumps and curves and scars as much as our freckles — to

...oh, wait.

I don't need to justify my purchases of Skechers, but damn it, I will.
I have diabetic neuropathy and a degenerating sacral joint. I can order Skechers online and know they will fit and not fuck up my feet. They are comfy right out of the box, the sandals are adjustable for a custom fit, they are snug against my foot

Then they would probably consider that a win-win!

Does anyone know where I can watch a video of the Sochi opening ceremony in full?

I just posted this too!! haha. The glasses...ohhh the glasses. Too cute. Cannot handle.

Sage after the winner of the first olympic gold today. He's a snowboarder so a lot like what you just described your kitten doing! Congrats! He's adorable.

I miss Burt’s Saturday night Hiddles parties (you are excellent Mark but the ability Burt has to relate everything to Hiddles is uncanny). In that spirit (and because I got screwed over about something I was really excited for and need a pick me up), these photos from his Top Gear episode are full of scruff and

I find it strange that Mia's apparent....instability is being used by some people to defend Woody Allen from Dylan's accusations.