
I'm gonna have to call bullshit on the "when videos used to have messages" line of thinking. All of those power rock groups from the late 70s and all through the 80s had naked girls writhing around for no reason whatsoever. It's always been the complaint against MTV. It's not new, it's just more visible now.

It's subtle.....but so much more.

Thank you for going the extra mile for the readers here on Jezebel!

Maria Bamford is my favorite favorite of everything. She is the best!

Some of my friends saw it multiple times and it upset them each time. I hid it so fast that I didn't really get to see the source, but I'm pretty sure CNN was it. I also had a friend that recently lost her mother to cancer and was pretty harsh about him taking his own life. She even admits that she is in a dark place

I was subjected to that awful picture of Robin Williams on my Facebook feed and it caught me off guard. I've never been so shaken up by something like that. I tried to report that link to Facebook but I didn't know how and I am pretty damn certain it came from CNN. What the actual fuck? Why would anybody share that?

Well, this was clearly not for you. I appreciate your feedback, but I stand by my comment.

Now playing

I hate the All About That Bass song with a fiery passion. So, in retaliation I present a feel-good-about-yourself song for the tall and/or skinny women of the world! You're a real woman too!

What are some things I can do to help me cope with confrontation more effectively? I am such a doormat and it infuriates me. I also work in Customer Service and I cave so quickly when a customer is yelling me down. I do the deep breathing thing and I've gotten better about not taking things personally, but I really

I see your young Nixon and I raise you a young Eisenhower:

He really can't talk about how awful Bieber is. He WAS Bieber when he was that age. I mean, people are bringing up how much older Orlando is and how he should know better but not very many people are pointing out how often Leo and Justin bump into each other because they are doing the exact same things. Partying

Oh! I'm so sorry I never responded! It's from Wreckers, I believe. I've never seen it...I just immediately saved the gif when somebody else posted it awhile back.

I'm just dropping in to say that it's actually a bearricane that she is planning. I remember that from the announcement of the second Sharknado.

I don't care what none of y'all say...I still love him!

There are some special eye drops you can get at the store, those usually helped me.

I have AdBlock so I didn't see it, but I know which ad you're talking about. I love it.

So, I've been at my new job long enough that I get benefits in a couple of weeks. On the top of my list of doctors to see is a therapist. Mostly for unbelievable amounts of stress and zero ways of coping with it. It's made me depressed and I can't even sit still long enough to read a book without thinking I'm wasting

ME! My friend has me pumped for the Germany game and we hung out at the sports bars and watched a random match (Uruguay vs Costa Rica) . I don't know shit about soccer, but it's relaxing me at a time when I need a distraction. It only happens every four years so I tell my friends and family to suck it up and let me