
I was 12 when she gave the answer about the cookies, and if I had a feminist origin story that would be a major part of it. It made me so angry, seeing it again brings that back.

I need to form a support group for people who have always liked and related to Hillary, and therefore in this election feel like outcasts.

I GOD DAMN LOVE HILLARY CLINTON and I am DAMN TIRED of the media pretending people like me don’t exist. IT IS THE SILENCING OF OLDER WOMEN...women who are silenced because men don’t want to fuck us and younger women don’t respect us because they don’t see us as people, but like their mothers. AGEISM intersected with

After the clip I saw recently where, since the late 80s or so, she’s been asked this question or something similar, over and over and over, I really admire both her tenacity and her thick skin. I would not be able to deal with that dumbass questioned (asked at least twice by Barbara Walters) again and again.

For every actually controversial or bad thing Clinton’s done, there’s 10 other completely fabricated Republican attacks. It has made it hard to either compliment or criticize her. It has made it hard to have any discussion about her at all. The only thing the general public is left with is distaste and distrust for

UGGGHHHH Likeability! Likeability! EVERYONE SHUT UP. It’s like we’re all so fixated on “liking” each other, even though no one respects each other

ugh, cue the people going “but she reminds me of a mean school teacher!”

This was my same reaction: sadness and rage. There is nothing a goddamn flamingo can do to make some feel like killing them. They’re pink and delicate and graceful.

SAME. Fuck this day/year/planet. I’m out.

This makes me simultaneously incredibly sad and so fucking rageful. This guy obviously has anger issues and probably needs to be locked up. Fucker.


Changed dropped doesn’t mean innocence. And anonymous internet commentators can convict someone who has never been charged at all.

This case was a cluster fuck from the beginning. The search of the park in the area where her body was found was botched the first time around so they missed any useful physical evidence. And jail house informants are sketchy as hell.

He received 10 years for the served half.

I think it’s pretty hard to muster sympathy for a guy who we know assaulted two women. He’s been in prison 5 years. That doesn’t sound all that unfair to me.

wait until she finds out that some Hispanic Americans dont speak Spanish at all!

This is horrific discrimination against the incompetent and as an incompetent person, I would like to see better and fairer treatment of my people. ‘Ooh, you need to know how to do things!’ ‘You need to know basic facts!’ It’s political correctness gone mad and also fascism probably.

I didn't know that Abigail Fisher had changed her name.

It’s going to blow her mind when she learns that non-Hispanic people can speak Spanish and language proficiency is not solely based on race/national origin.

According to her lawyers, Rosner felt that another instructor could assume responsibilities over the Spanish-teaching portion of the class, while she would focus on reading and writing.