“I have access to a car, but it would be poor judgement to drive that car when I could use public transportation!” Is essentially what you just said.
With larger rings, the assumption was supposedly that you were more likely to ditch the job after the wedding because a woman with a rich husband was less likely to care about her career.
When I was job hunting a bit less than a decade ago, the “common wisdom” among my fellow interviewee ladies was also that you shouldn’t wear an engagement (or wedding) ring—but back then the reasoning was not that potential employers would assume you were high maintenance. Rather, the rumored thinking was that an…
While obviously it’s in our nature to make snap judgements about people, things like this are just so sickening to me. Looking at someone’s car, ring, watch, whatever may tell you something about their life, but that something very well could be - nay, likely is - wrong.
Ok. . . . .as a brain-researcher, I gotta step in here. . . . We know a fuckton about the human brain. We do not know everything—for sure—(every piece of research that emerges about the brain should be seen as just a teensy tiny error ridden fallible piece of a larger puzzle).
I also can’t prove that we aren’t all in the Matrix, but in all practicality, we aren’t in the Matrix and there is nothing different about wi-fi signals from any other radio signals. Once again, if they are dangerous, we’re fucked, because we can’t escape them.
You do realize that cellular signals and wifi aren't the same thing, right?
The link actually shows that your mobile phone is emitting less than the lightbulb in the lamp next to your bed. Are you worried about the lightbulb? Probably not. People can still be worried, because they don’t understand the technology. When I was a kid, people thought TV would kill us all with radiation, Hiroshima…
“EM radiation” as though that makes you some kind of authority. Yes, other things can hurt you too. That doesnt mean we should ignore preventable harms.
We’ve all been exposed to non-ionizing radiation for 100 years. It isn’t new.
I understand radio waves. You don’t.
non-ionizing radiation has been in the air since the 1920s. we have nearly 100 years of experience with it and it’s harmless.
Okay, I’m tired of the insults. Goodbye.
This is what YOU typed at 7:28pm. The inference is that if you act like a repub, you ARE a repub.
Sweetie, we ain’t talking Crohn’s Disease here (note proper spelling). We’re talking about something THAT IS KNOWN. You can’t equate it to something that is NOT well known. Well, you can’t and still have a modicum of our respect for your “thinking” processes.
In reality, you’re saying, “It’s totally possible that these things cause problems” without a SHRED of facts to back you up. The WHO says that wi-fi causes no problems, but they’re part of the big, bad conspiracy, amirite?
Buh-bye, Jill.
The proximity to a wifi source is nothing in comparison to the EM radiation you are getting from outer space every single second of the day. I know you want your own facts, but you don’t get them no matter how much you insult me.