
That Shkreli-like smirk on Donald The Felon’s face:

“Across our operation, Delta teams are working tirelessly to care for and make it right for customers impacted by delays and cancellations as we work to restore the reliable, on-time service they have come to expect from Delta.”

We just are so much better than this.

Sounds like the market for small and efficient cars is greater than Ford et al would have us believe

So if you’re looking for something small, efficient and affordable, dealers will screw you?

Including Ben Shapiro in your argument is a sure sign you’ve already lost.

GOP: government should not interfere with private business! Small government!!

I recently rewatched The Shining and it’s so strange the discourse around her in it because her performance not only isn’t bad, it’s uniquely good. It’s honestly one of the most brutally realistic depictions of a woman in an abusive relationship. It’s interesting too because throughout the movie she’s legitimately

Damn... RIP.

Start a band with Charlyne Yi?

That poor Rebel Wilson, she just always seems to be mistreated by everyone she comes in contact with. What’s that saying? -- If you meet one arsehole, you’ve met an arsehole, but if you meet nothing but arseholes... then something something. 

Notes on this (significantly compiled from things others have already said):

Honestly, I don’t miss the movie theater experience mainly because it was extremely rare for me to have a good theater experience. The best experiences I’ve ever had in theaters were when hardly anyone else was there.

The industry people who think audiences will still show up for romance, drama, and (most) comedies in movie theaters are insane. Insane. Those are the use-case for home theaters, always have been, always will be. You can’t put that genie back in the bottle.

You CAN lean into what audiences want and make some of this

Wait, where’s all the hand-wringing and blaming the consumers? We need another Nicole Kidman commercial reminding us that we the common folk should be putting our collective health on the line in the midst of a pandemic to save the movie theatres.

I like going to the movies, so, selfishly, I hope theaters survive. But I think audiences have made pretty clear that there are really only a handful of movies per year that they’re willing to pay for a full theatrical experience to see. And I don’t think that makes them assholes or philistines.

Executives and senior “leadership” in every industry are largely a bunch of incompetent sociopaths and morons. NONE of them “earn” their exorbitant pay and perks through competence and capable leadership.

Sadly in the US, the current market trend is to keep working at 66 if you are healthy enough to do it. With pensions pretty much no longer being a thing for most people and the last few years really fucking over 401Ks, the later baby boomers just can’t afford to stop working in their mid 60s, if they expect to live

While I certainly don’t feel sorry for her, it’s undeniable she’s been put through the ringer, both for things that were outside of her control as well as for her own flaws and shortcomings.

Granted that my experience is on MARTA, but I don’t think I have ever noticed how hot/cold it was while waiting for a train. I’m already outside, and even the underground stations aren’t really that much warmer/colder, but the big thing is that I am at most waiting for 15 mins on a train that I will be on for another