
I don’t think the issue is with him really at all. He seems charmingly self deprecating. The problem, if there even is a problem, is with fans who don’t understand how pop music is put together and why that would mean a TS concert is constructed very differently from your average guitar + drums + bass rock concert.

Who do you think is the most successful actor in TV history? One candidate I think has gone under the radar for a lot of people is Peter Krause.

“I’m not a Tesla owner but...[takes Elons balls out of mouth]”

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is back at it, flapping his gums lying his ass off about a new Tesla Roadster

85% order accuracy is pretty damn awful. Would you fly an airline that has a screw up on 85% of its flights? Would you go to a doctor that messes up that often? Would you do business with any company that drops the ball once in every 30 transactions?

It’s almost like all of this AI is not actually able to do the things they claim it can, and may never actually be able to, and shouldn’t actually be replacing people in any capacity until it can actually do the things the hype claims it can.

I encounter the opposite problem. My little neighborhood has essentially one way out, to a traffic light. The road out of my neighborhood has a thick white stripe in the road with a sign stating, “STOP HERE ON RED”.  Yet my neighbors will stop beyond the line and become frustrated when they must sit through several

The stunning percentage of drivers that don’t understand the concept of the intersection limit line is depressing, at least here in hell Georgia.

It is just wild to me, that like almost half of the country is going to vote for this guy again, just because they dont like black or gay people.

Donald Trump is an ignorant racist misogynistic bloviating orange windbag who is utterly incapable of speaking a single grain of truth. He is a petulant man-child who whines insufferably and incessantly when things don’t go his way. He cannot accept fault. That he was allowed within 10 miles of the White House at all


Yeah but my friends’ cousin’s neighbors son-in law is working for a company that is printing the signs with a UN logo saying stay in your sector under penalty of death 

The good Governor also breathlessly held a press conference to proclaim that he had decided to build a two billon dollar arena for the nearby NBA and NHL teams, with state financial guarantees, but without checking with the actual state financiers in the legislature. To which Senate Finance and Appropriations

Nailed it.

I’ve said before that Tesla’s biggest advantage was the Supercharger network, but since that’s been opened up to anyone, people who want an EV are no longer funneled to Tesla.

Of all the things annoying about this guy, it’s the ‘nice try Buttercup’ that gets me the most.  May your CT be plagued by all of the common issues

So do they sell those Pip Droids at Home Depot? I could use a new multi-tool

He didn’t stop driving the car, under court order. He didn’t un-modify his exhaust, per court order. If you think he’s going to pay this fine under court order, I have Death Valley fishing gear to sell ya.

And Andor!

Bad Batch is a good remedy to that feeling, hardly any Force stuff going on at all in that series.